Wow, ''National Treasure - Book of Secrets'' is good! I skipped the first one and just watched this. Yesterday Candiberry and I went to watch it. Last time we met was about 4 years ago. And last movie we watched was ''Lilo & Stitch''(also a Walt Disney stuff). That was 5 years ago. It's quite a long time that we haven't watched movies together. I had a good time.
It is an adventurous, high speed running, hilarious, and no killing/blood action movie (still got guns everywhere though). After all, it's a Walt Disney thing, it gotta adapt to audiences at all ages. Including Nicolas Cage, this movie got a bunch of great stars, like Ed Harris, Jon Voight, Helen Mirren. Oh I love them.
I was planning to find a place to have the New Year Countdown but because of some technical problem that I can't make it. So I'm gonna stay at home watching some movies through the midnight. Tomorrow will be a whole new beginning. :-)
Anyways, time to start my New Year Eve DVD adventures.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Are You Lonesome Tonight?
Yes I am. There has been 3 weeks no new shows on air because of X'mas holidays. Shows make life better. Without shows, people are gonna feel miserable.
Latest Episode up to the present:
Grey's Anatomy S4 E10
Private Practice S1 E9
Bones S3 E9
House MD S4 E9
Ugly Betty S2 E10
Can't wait anymore!
Related Posts:
Shows Addicted
I'm a Strong, Proud Bald Man
Official sites of my favorite shows:
1. Grey's Anatomy official site
2. Private Practice official site
3. House MD official site
4. Bones official site
5. Ugly Betty official site
Latest Episode up to the present:
Grey's Anatomy S4 E10
Private Practice S1 E9
Bones S3 E9
House MD S4 E9
Ugly Betty S2 E10
Can't wait anymore!
Related Posts:
Shows Addicted
I'm a Strong, Proud Bald Man
Official sites of my favorite shows:
1. Grey's Anatomy official site
2. Private Practice official site
3. House MD official site
4. Bones official site
5. Ugly Betty official site
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Bond, James Bond
Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as a James Bond, Agent 007 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
James Bond is MI6's best agent, a suave, sophisticated super spy with charm, cunning, and a license's to kill. He doesn't care about rules or regulations and somewhat amoral. He does care about saving humanity though, as well as the beautiful women who fill his world. Bond has expensive tastes, a wide knowledge of many subjects, and his usually armed with a clever gadget and an appropriate one-liner. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bond, James Bond. Funny Stuff. Being an old-style 007 (Sean Connery/Pierce Brosnan) would be cool and better.
Not the new one (Daniel Craig). The new 007 is totally unacceptable. Especially he was almost beat to a handicap (bad guy hit his genitals, remember? That's really nasty). This blog entry is not a movie review by the way.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Last Man Standing - I am Legend
Tonight, I watched ''I am Legend''. You know, since I am a huge fan of Will Smith.. I am saying he was doing the character very well. But the story goes not so good.
I believe the novel's information the auther Richard Matheson wanna convey is way more than the movie's. But now the movie is merely a pure action (all about mutants, Redident Evil-like) movie. So I'm gonna take an original novel to read. To be sure I get the whole picture what real ''I am Legend'' is.
Best quote of the movie :
(Robert told Anna about Bob Marley.)
He had this idea. It was kind of a virologist idea. He believed that you could cure racism and hate... literally cure it, by injecting music and love into people's lives. When he was scheduled to perform at a peace rally, a gunman came to his house and shot him down. Two days later he walked out on that stage and sang. When they asked him why - He said, "The people, who were trying to make this world worse... are not taking a day off. How can I? Light up the darkness."
I believe the novel's information the auther Richard Matheson wanna convey is way more than the movie's. But now the movie is merely a pure action (all about mutants, Redident Evil-like) movie. So I'm gonna take an original novel to read. To be sure I get the whole picture what real ''I am Legend'' is.
Best quote of the movie :
(Robert told Anna about Bob Marley.)
He had this idea. It was kind of a virologist idea. He believed that you could cure racism and hate... literally cure it, by injecting music and love into people's lives. When he was scheduled to perform at a peace rally, a gunman came to his house and shot him down. Two days later he walked out on that stage and sang. When they asked him why - He said, "The people, who were trying to make this world worse... are not taking a day off. How can I? Light up the darkness."
Thursday, December 27, 2007
1、No Insight:白目永遠不認為自己白目,即使被人忍無可忍地痛罵『白目』,可能只會回應:有嗎?/哪有?/還好吧?(這不就表現你『明顯白目』嗎?)
2、Repetitive destructive behaviors:白目不會自覺就算了,即使說要悔改,但很快隨即故態復萌,狗改不了吃屎。牛牽去月球還是牛,不會變成一朵牽牛花。
3、狗嘴吐不出象牙:白目講話常常不經過大腦(我懷疑只有脊髓反射),經常不顧慮他人感受、不考慮他人感覺,還自以為見解高明,洋洋得意。但其實受話方早已經『仄聲字暗X在心裡 n遍』。白目的人,只會關心自己而已,難道就不知道體貼是何物嗎?(若是白目覺得自己其實已經很體貼,回規則1.)
4、Suspected frontal lobe lesions:白目不只回應常常讓人噴飯,連行為都會讓人無法理解。雖然智力通常沒有受損,但我合理懷疑白目 frontal lobe(額葉)有損傷。因其行為不合邏輯之事,不可勝數。自己不覺得丟臉,卻常會讓別人embarrassing而不自知 (症狀類同3.)
5、Don't know shit:白目常常聽不懂別人暗示的話語,即使體貼的婉轉負向語言,仍會被其解讀為沒無關緊要而繼續作自我毀滅的事情(可同時參照規則2.)。
Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.
小白,總是 be reckless with other people’s hearts.
而深受小白禍害的人,就請勿 put up with that shit they give you.
1、No Insight:白目永遠不認為自己白目,即使被人忍無可忍地痛罵『白目』,可能只會回應:有嗎?/哪有?/還好吧?(這不就表現你『明顯白目』嗎?)
2、Repetitive destructive behaviors:白目不會自覺就算了,即使說要悔改,但很快隨即故態復萌,狗改不了吃屎。牛牽去月球還是牛,不會變成一朵牽牛花。
3、狗嘴吐不出象牙:白目講話常常不經過大腦(我懷疑只有脊髓反射),經常不顧慮他人感受、不考慮他人感覺,還自以為見解高明,洋洋得意。但其實受話方早已經『仄聲字暗X在心裡 n遍』。白目的人,只會關心自己而已,難道就不知道體貼是何物嗎?(若是白目覺得自己其實已經很體貼,回規則1.)
4、Suspected frontal lobe lesions:白目不只回應常常讓人噴飯,連行為都會讓人無法理解。雖然智力通常沒有受損,但我合理懷疑白目 frontal lobe(額葉)有損傷。因其行為不合邏輯之事,不可勝數。自己不覺得丟臉,卻常會讓別人embarrassing而不自知 (症狀類同3.)
5、Don't know shit:白目常常聽不懂別人暗示的話語,即使體貼的婉轉負向語言,仍會被其解讀為沒無關緊要而繼續作自我毀滅的事情(可同時參照規則2.)。
Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.
小白,總是 be reckless with other people’s hearts.
而深受小白禍害的人,就請勿 put up with that shit they give you.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
[Music] The First Noël
The word Nowell comes from the French word Noël meaning "Christmas", from the Latin word natalis ("birth"). It may also be from the Gaulish words "noio" or "neu" meaning "new" and "helle" meaning "light" referring to the winter solstice when sunlight begins overtaking darkness.
Today is Christmas. Let's celebrate this great holiday by singing this beautiful Chrismas carol ''The First Noël'' (performed by Celtic Woman. Their voices are gorgeous!).
The first Noël, the angel did say,
Noël, Noël,
Today is Christmas. Let's celebrate this great holiday by singing this beautiful Chrismas carol ''The First Noël'' (performed by Celtic Woman. Their voices are gorgeous!).
The First Noël
The first Noël, the angel did say,
Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay;
In fields where they lay keeping their sheep,
On a cold winter's night that was so deep.
Noël, Noël,
Noël, Noël,
Born is the King of Israel.
They looked up and saw a Star,
Shining in the East, beyond them far;
And to the earth, it gave great light,
And so it continued both day and night.
Noël, Noël,
Noël, Noël,
Born is the King of Israel.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry X'mas Everyone!
There might be sometime I haven't mailed my friends and teachers X'mas cards to greet them for this great holiday.
Yesterday I got a greeting mail from Angelito Tan, a Chinese friend living in the Philippines. We used to play basketball together. I felt warm and thankful and I decided to let my friends and teachers to feel X'mas too. I sent X'mas e-cards to greet them Merry X'mas and advanced Happy New Year. Surprisingly, some friends replied mails back almost right away and some also sent e-cards to me. It made me feel real good in this X'mas Eve even though I didn't arrange any special activity to do. You guys are great.
Merry X'mas Everyone!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Please Yield!
心有餘悸。Thank God.
心有餘悸。Thank God.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
That's The Spirit
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
-Corinthians 10:13
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Let's Call It a Day
When I woke up this morning, I kinda couldn't keep balanced.
Didn't get nausous at that time. But after I ate my breakfast, dizziness started approaching. Lying down wasn't helping much. 15 mins later, I vomitted my breakfast.
So I gotta call it day.
After 2 hours' rest, I felt much better. A common cold, viral infection or the result of sleep deprivation. I am doing fine now. Gotta take care of myself a little more I guess.
Didn't get nausous at that time. But after I ate my breakfast, dizziness started approaching. Lying down wasn't helping much. 15 mins later, I vomitted my breakfast.
So I gotta call it day.
After 2 hours' rest, I felt much better. A common cold, viral infection or the result of sleep deprivation. I am doing fine now. Gotta take care of myself a little more I guess.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Buzzer Beater
看到射球如同投籃教科書的Ray Allen在 1.9 seconds remaining時(此時Boston Celtics以93-95落後於Charlotte Bobcats),投出一顆帶有完美弧度的三分球 passing through the Net,緊接著buzzer響起,Over Game.一陣顫慄:OMG。
我開電視時,看到剩14 sec,93-95落後,Celtics最後一波進攻。Paul Pierce作假動作後勉強出手不進,籃板落入Bobcats手中,Celtics在剩 4.7 sec時犯規(說老實話,此時我已認為Celtics必輸無疑,準備請領本季第二敗,but I was wrong。)因為未到加罰狀態,Bobcats發界外球,Eddie House左手撥到Jason Richardson發進來的球,球垂直上飛,Paul Pierce跳起抓到球,順勢傳給左側三分線外等候的Ray Allen,前跳一步接球,出手(1.9 sec),hit the game-winning trey!
SLAM DUNK的安西教練常說:現在放棄的話,比賽就結束了。
Ray Allen's big three is totally a killing.
Boston Celtics are definitely kicking every team's ass!
Saturday Win: Game Info
Ray Allen Profile
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The Mom Song
Ever felt your mom talk too much? Always talked the same thing? And you feel so tired about it? Okay then. See how Anita Renfroe sings for it, ''The Mom Song''. It's hilarious and talented! You will love it, like your mom's talking by your ears at all times. :D
The Mom Song
Get up now
Get up now
Get up out of bed
Wash your face
Brush your teeth
Comb your sleepy head
Here’s your clothes
And your shoes
Hear the words I said
Get up now
Get up and make your bed
Are you hot?
Are you cold?
Are you wearing that?
Where’s your books and your lunch and your homework at?
Grab your coat and your gloves and your scarf and hat
Don’t forget you got to feed the cat
Each your breakfast
The experts tell us it’s the most important meal of all
Take your vitamins so you will grow up one day to be big and tall
Did you remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at three today?
Don’t forget your piano lesson is this afternoon so you must play
Don’t shovel
Chew slowly
But hurry
The bus is here
Be careful
Come back here
Did you wash behind your ears?
Play outside
Don’t play rough
Would you just play fair?
Be polite
Make a friend
Don’t forget to share
Work it out
Wait your turn
Never take a dare
Get along
Don’t make me come down there
Clean your room
Fold your clothes
Put your stuff away
Make your bed
Do it now
Do we have all day?
Were you born in a barn?
Would you like some hay?
Can you even hear a word I say?
Answer the phone
Get off the phone
Don’t sit so close
Turn it down
No texting at the table
No more computer time tonight
Your iPod’s my iPod if you don’t listen up
Where you going and with whom and what time do you think you’re coming
Say thank you, please, excuse me
Makes you welcome everywhere you roam
You’ll appreciate my wisdom
Someday when you’re older and you’re grown
Can’t wait ‘til you have a couple little children of your own
You’ll thank me for the counsel I gave you so willingly
But right now
I thank you NOT to roll your eyes at me
Close your mouth when you chew
Would appreciate
Take a bite
Maybe chew
Up the stuff you hate
Use your fork
Do not you burp
Or I’ll set you straight
Eat the food I put upon your plate
Get an A, Get the door
Don’t get smart with me
Get a Grip
Get up here I’ll count to 3
Get a job
Get a life
Get a PhD
Get a dose of
I don’t care who started it
You’re grounded until your 36
Get your story straight
And tell the truth for once for heaven’s sake
And if all your friends jumped off a cliff would you jump too?
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said at least a thousand times before that
You’re too old to act this way
It must be your father’s DNA
Look at me when I am talking
Stand up straighter when you walk
A place for everything
And everything must be in place
Stop crying or I’ll give you something real to cry about
Brush your teeth
Wash your face
Get your PJs on
Get in bed
Get a hug
Say a prayer with Mom
Don’t forget
I love you
And tomorrow we will do this all again because a mom’s work never ends
You don’t need the reason why
I said so
I said so
I said so
I said so
I’m the Mom
The mom
The mom
The mom
The mom
The Mom Song
Get up now
Get up now
Get up out of bed
Wash your face
Brush your teeth
Comb your sleepy head
Here’s your clothes
And your shoes
Hear the words I said
Get up now
Get up and make your bed
Are you hot?
Are you cold?
Are you wearing that?
Where’s your books and your lunch and your homework at?
Grab your coat and your gloves and your scarf and hat
Don’t forget you got to feed the cat
Each your breakfast
The experts tell us it’s the most important meal of all
Take your vitamins so you will grow up one day to be big and tall
Did you remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at three today?
Don’t forget your piano lesson is this afternoon so you must play
Don’t shovel
Chew slowly
But hurry
The bus is here
Be careful
Come back here
Did you wash behind your ears?
Play outside
Don’t play rough
Would you just play fair?
Be polite
Make a friend
Don’t forget to share
Work it out
Wait your turn
Never take a dare
Get along
Don’t make me come down there
Clean your room
Fold your clothes
Put your stuff away
Make your bed
Do it now
Do we have all day?
Were you born in a barn?
Would you like some hay?
Can you even hear a word I say?
Answer the phone
Get off the phone
Don’t sit so close
Turn it down
No texting at the table
No more computer time tonight
Your iPod’s my iPod if you don’t listen up
Where you going and with whom and what time do you think you’re coming
Say thank you, please, excuse me
Makes you welcome everywhere you roam
You’ll appreciate my wisdom
Someday when you’re older and you’re grown
Can’t wait ‘til you have a couple little children of your own
You’ll thank me for the counsel I gave you so willingly
But right now
I thank you NOT to roll your eyes at me
Close your mouth when you chew
Would appreciate
Take a bite
Maybe chew
Up the stuff you hate
Use your fork
Do not you burp
Or I’ll set you straight
Eat the food I put upon your plate
Get an A, Get the door
Don’t get smart with me
Get a Grip
Get up here I’ll count to 3
Get a job
Get a life
Get a PhD
Get a dose of
I don’t care who started it
You’re grounded until your 36
Get your story straight
And tell the truth for once for heaven’s sake
And if all your friends jumped off a cliff would you jump too?
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said at least a thousand times before that
You’re too old to act this way
It must be your father’s DNA
Look at me when I am talking
Stand up straighter when you walk
A place for everything
And everything must be in place
Stop crying or I’ll give you something real to cry about
Brush your teeth
Wash your face
Get your PJs on
Get in bed
Get a hug
Say a prayer with Mom
Don’t forget
I love you
And tomorrow we will do this all again because a mom’s work never ends
You don’t need the reason why
I said so
I said so
I said so
I said so
I’m the Mom
The mom
The mom
The mom
The mom
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
[Music] Freedom
Song from George Michael's album ''Listen Without Prejudice''. While watching the Bee Movie's preview, it reminds me of this fantastic song. Feel like sing and swing with music. I want to be set free! Be free of those medical bureaucracy crap!
By the way, the Bee Movie will be in theaters on 30 November 2007. It's made by DreamWorks animation. It seems hilarious. Looking forward to it. :D
I won't let you down
I will not give you up
Gotta have some faith in the sound
It's the one good thing that I've got
I won't let you down
So please don't give me up
Because I would really, really love to stick around
Heaven knows I was just a young boy
Didn't know what I wanted to be
I was every little hungry schoolgirl's pride and joy
And I guess it was enough for me
To win the race? A prettier face!
Brand new clothes and a big fat place
On your rock and roll TV
But today the way I play the game is not the same
No way
Think I'm gonna get me some happy
I think there's something you should know
I think it's time I told you so
There's something deep inside of me
There's someone else I've got to be
Take back your picture in a frame
Take back your singing in the rain
I just hope you understand
Sometimes the clothes do not make the man
All we have to do now
Is take these lies and make them true somehow
All we have to see
Is that I don't belong to you
And you don't belong to me
You've gotta give for what you take
You've gotta give for what you take
Heaven knows we sure had some fun boy
What a kick just a buddy and me
We had every big shot good-time band on the run boy
We were living in a fantasy
We won the race
Got out of the place
I went back home got a brand new face
For the boys on MTV
But today the way I play the game has got to change
Oh yeah
Now I'm gonna get myself happy
I think there's something you should know
I think it's time I stopped the show
There's something deep inside of me
There's someone I forgot to be
Take back your picture in a frame
Don't think that I'll be back again
I just hope you understand
Sometimes the clothes do not make the man
All we have to do now
Is take these lies and make them true somehow
All we have to see
Is that I don't belong to you
And you don't belong to me
You've gotta give for what you take
You've gotta give for what you take
Well it looks like the road to heaven
But it feels like the road to hell
When I knew which side my bread was buttered
I took the knife as well
Posing for another picture
Everybody's got to sell
But when you shake your ass
They notice fast
And some mistakes were built to last
That's what you get
I say that's what you get
That's what you get for changing your mind
And after all this time
I just hope you understand
Sometimes the clothes
Do not make the man
I'll hold on to my freedom
May not be what you want from me
Just the way it's got to be
Lose the face now
I've got to live
Bee Movie Trailer
By the way, the Bee Movie will be in theaters on 30 November 2007. It's made by DreamWorks animation. It seems hilarious. Looking forward to it. :D
I won't let you down
I will not give you up
Gotta have some faith in the sound
It's the one good thing that I've got
I won't let you down
So please don't give me up
Because I would really, really love to stick around
Heaven knows I was just a young boy
Didn't know what I wanted to be
I was every little hungry schoolgirl's pride and joy
And I guess it was enough for me
To win the race? A prettier face!
Brand new clothes and a big fat place
On your rock and roll TV
But today the way I play the game is not the same
No way
Think I'm gonna get me some happy
I think there's something you should know
I think it's time I told you so
There's something deep inside of me
There's someone else I've got to be
Take back your picture in a frame
Take back your singing in the rain
I just hope you understand
Sometimes the clothes do not make the man
All we have to do now
Is take these lies and make them true somehow
All we have to see
Is that I don't belong to you
And you don't belong to me
You've gotta give for what you take
You've gotta give for what you take
Heaven knows we sure had some fun boy
What a kick just a buddy and me
We had every big shot good-time band on the run boy
We were living in a fantasy
We won the race
Got out of the place
I went back home got a brand new face
For the boys on MTV
But today the way I play the game has got to change
Oh yeah
Now I'm gonna get myself happy
I think there's something you should know
I think it's time I stopped the show
There's something deep inside of me
There's someone I forgot to be
Take back your picture in a frame
Don't think that I'll be back again
I just hope you understand
Sometimes the clothes do not make the man
All we have to do now
Is take these lies and make them true somehow
All we have to see
Is that I don't belong to you
And you don't belong to me
You've gotta give for what you take
You've gotta give for what you take
Well it looks like the road to heaven
But it feels like the road to hell
When I knew which side my bread was buttered
I took the knife as well
Posing for another picture
Everybody's got to sell
But when you shake your ass
They notice fast
And some mistakes were built to last
That's what you get
I say that's what you get
That's what you get for changing your mind
And after all this time
I just hope you understand
Sometimes the clothes
Do not make the man
I'll hold on to my freedom
May not be what you want from me
Just the way it's got to be
Lose the face now
I've got to live
Bee Movie Trailer
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Today I learned a new word, cyberwhining. I believe it means whine in the cyber zone, a.k.a in my personal blog. Something like Friendster's shoutouts.
Easy and safe (maybe not so. Not for everything though) . Could be short and not time consuming.
The most important, it is free.
And thank God now I am so relieved.
Easy and safe (maybe not so. Not for everything though) . Could be short and not time consuming.
The most important, it is free.
And thank God now I am so relieved.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Guestbook (留言版) is OPEN Now!
In case you guys don't know. I have a guestbook in here. So just feel free to leave messages if you got something to say. Whining, bixching, info or jokes you wanna share are fine. Of course if your saying is private, e-mail me since your messages cannot be sealed or hided in blogger.
Yes, that's right. Have you seen the right side of the frame? That says, ''GUESTBOOK 留言版'', plus ''May I Take Your Message''? Yeah there it is. That's your home, baby.
Extra features: here is a step-to-step teaching for posting a comment in my blog.
Yes, that's right. Have you seen the right side of the frame? That says, ''GUESTBOOK 留言版'', plus ''May I Take Your Message''? Yeah there it is. That's your home, baby.
Extra features: here is a step-to-step teaching for posting a comment in my blog.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Bikes Workout 圖解
Saturday, November 10, 2007
What Do You Stand For? - Lions For Lambs
If you don't STAND for something, you might FALL for anything.
這部電影,有著創意、獨立思考、媒體 (Merryl Streep)、政治家 (Tom Cruise)、戰爭 (阿富汗戰爭)、享受生活卻只想躲在高牆後受到保護的學生 (Andrew Garfield)、愛國想要make a difference並勇敢挺身而出的學生 (Derek Luke and Michael Pena)。主要由三個互有影響的支線組成了這電影。
好電影,就如同一個好老師(如片中的教授Robert Redford),提供你一個起頭,指引你一個方向,讓你去獨立思考。
Lions For Lambs. Now in theaters. 有深度、推薦好片 & A MUST SEE。What Do You Stand For?
''What Do You Stand For?'' Winning Video
Lions For Lambs Trailer
Lions For Lambs Official Site , Youtube Page
這部電影,有著創意、獨立思考、媒體 (Merryl Streep)、政治家 (Tom Cruise)、戰爭 (阿富汗戰爭)、享受生活卻只想躲在高牆後受到保護的學生 (Andrew Garfield)、愛國想要make a difference並勇敢挺身而出的學生 (Derek Luke and Michael Pena)。主要由三個互有影響的支線組成了這電影。
好電影,就如同一個好老師(如片中的教授Robert Redford),提供你一個起頭,指引你一個方向,讓你去獨立思考。
Lions For Lambs. Now in theaters. 有深度、推薦好片 & A MUST SEE。What Do You Stand For?
''What Do You Stand For?'' Winning Video
Lions For Lambs Trailer
Lions For Lambs Official Site , Youtube Page
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
UNIQLOCK - Music. Dance. Clock
UNIQLOCK 這個全球網路行銷活動實在是太歡樂、太性感了,為顧及廣大朋友們的權益,在此不吝分享。
UNIQLOCK 是一個日本平價服裝品牌,看看每隔5秒出現的女孩們穿的衣服,只能說:貼身高領毛衣才是傳說中的王道,是不是~~~是不是啊~~~(搖晃)
現在AM 12,居然跟我之前白天看的熱鬧勁舞不一樣,反而是安安靜靜的影片交織著,例如:女孩靠在樓梯間打毛線,打一打不知不覺入睡了;另一位則是讀一讀書,而在書桌上趴著睡著.....
白天時分呢,則是美眉們的動感舞蹈,套句電影裡面的台詞: Can't take my eyes off you.... 嗷嗚~~~
音樂:日本House大師DJ Fantastic Plastic Machine (FPM)所創作的報時配樂。
創意無窮! HOT!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
I'm a Strong, Proud Bald Man
I'm a strong, proud bald man.
Dude, focus. I am not saying I have any sign to be getting bald.
Quote from Private Practice Episode 4. Dr. Sam Bennett (Taye Diggs), or "Doctor Feelgood" said this to a going-to-be-bald man on TV. It's so inspiring, according to Dr. Addison Forbes Montgomery (Kate Walsh), who used to be an OB/GYN attending of Grey's Anatomy. It means body-mind connection working and going well, I suppose. :)
This TV show is extremely funny and inspiring, really. I feel relaxed while watching this. Different styles, different ways to represent medical environments. Great show, I have to say! It's recently granted a full show by ABC. Meant, a complete season, hopefully many more. Just give it a try, you'll know what I'm saying (and feel appreciated). :D
Related blog entry: Shows Addicted
Dude, focus. I am not saying I have any sign to be getting bald.
Quote from Private Practice Episode 4. Dr. Sam Bennett (Taye Diggs), or "Doctor Feelgood" said this to a going-to-be-bald man on TV. It's so inspiring, according to Dr. Addison Forbes Montgomery (Kate Walsh), who used to be an OB/GYN attending of Grey's Anatomy. It means body-mind connection working and going well, I suppose. :)
This TV show is extremely funny and inspiring, really. I feel relaxed while watching this. Different styles, different ways to represent medical environments. Great show, I have to say! It's recently granted a full show by ABC. Meant, a complete season, hopefully many more. Just give it a try, you'll know what I'm saying (and feel appreciated). :D
Related blog entry: Shows Addicted
Saturday, November 3, 2007
WTF ?!
Black sheep 這部電影,是New Zealand在2006推出的電影,相信很多人沒有聽過,包括我,直到今天。根據11/23 - 12/8 之台北金馬影展的官方部落格的官方翻譯,這部片叫做...."黯陰羊"@@ WTF??
證明我沒有唬爛你, HERE。
英文片名:Black Sheep
導演:Jonathan King
編劇:Jonathan King
這片名該不會是國民黨翻的吧? (我認為國民黨開設的『趕羚羊之聲』電台可能跟這部電影是表兄弟。)兩個名字有異曲同工之妙,沒水準加上教壞大人小孩是其共同特點。到底是誰翻譯的? =_=
What is WTF? Please Google it if you don't really know. 這三個字母翻譯叫做:『搞甚麼鬼』?
證明我沒有唬爛你, HERE。
英文片名:Black Sheep
導演:Jonathan King
編劇:Jonathan King
這片名該不會是國民黨翻的吧? (我認為國民黨開設的『趕羚羊之聲』電台可能跟這部電影是表兄弟。)兩個名字有異曲同工之妙,沒水準加上教壞大人小孩是其共同特點。到底是誰翻譯的? =_=
What is WTF? Please Google it if you don't really know. 這三個字母翻譯叫做:『搞甚麼鬼』?
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Get Your Popcorn Ready!
If you love scoring, they've got it. If you appreciate a great defensive stand, you'll find it here. Terrific teamwork is in abundance. Clutch shots, fantastic dimes, thunderous jams, slick steals and brilliant play-calling take place every night on the floor. If you miss a game, you might miss something amazing.
NBA - where amazing happens. Just started it today. Must see their games. Must shout and scream for them. Must love them!!
Jeffrey's NBA watching list:
1. The most wanna watch team: Boston Celtics.
The big three - KG, Paul Pierce, and Ray Allen. They are definitely ready to rock!
2. Teams I would like to watch if they are on: Miami Heat, Pheonix Suns, Orlando Magic and San Antonio Spurs.
Heat - Only if Dwayne Wade is healthy. Wondering if Penny Hardaway could assist Shaq well ( Penny and Shaq playing as teammates in Florida 13 years later.)
Suns - Steve Nash and Grant Hill, two of my favorite. See how fast they can play.
Magic - Are you kidding? How could you not see how Dwight Howard torturing his opponents by jumping so high?
Spurs - their goal is the back-to-back this season. Tim Duncan, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili will fight their way up to the championship.
Get Your Popcorn Ready. Find your buddies to watch NBA together. They will rock your socks off!
NBA - where amazing happens. Just started it today. Must see their games. Must shout and scream for them. Must love them!!
Jeffrey's NBA watching list:
1. The most wanna watch team: Boston Celtics.
The big three - KG, Paul Pierce, and Ray Allen. They are definitely ready to rock!
2. Teams I would like to watch if they are on: Miami Heat, Pheonix Suns, Orlando Magic and San Antonio Spurs.
Heat - Only if Dwayne Wade is healthy. Wondering if Penny Hardaway could assist Shaq well ( Penny and Shaq playing as teammates in Florida 13 years later.)
Suns - Steve Nash and Grant Hill, two of my favorite. See how fast they can play.
Magic - Are you kidding? How could you not see how Dwight Howard torturing his opponents by jumping so high?
Spurs - their goal is the back-to-back this season. Tim Duncan, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili will fight their way up to the championship.
Get Your Popcorn Ready. Find your buddies to watch NBA together. They will rock your socks off!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
[Music] Secret of My Heart
In case you guys have no idea who Mai Kuraki (倉木麻衣,1982年10月28日生まれ。) is, I'm introducing one of my favorite JP songs - Secret of My Heart here.
Performed by Mai Kuraki in 2000. Mai has a great voice and she also works on lyrics for her own songs. She was one of 平成歌姬。(平成三大歌姬:倉木麻衣,宇多田光 & 濱崎步)
This song was also applied as one of Detective Conan's (名偵探柯南) theme songs. Maybe you had had heard it when you watched Conan. Check it out. ☆
Secret of My Heart
Performed by Mai Kuraki in 2000. Mai has a great voice and she also works on lyrics for her own songs. She was one of 平成歌姬。(平成三大歌姬:倉木麻衣,宇多田光 & 濱崎步)
This song was also applied as one of Detective Conan's (名偵探柯南) theme songs. Maybe you had had heard it when you watched Conan. Check it out. ☆
Secret of My Heart
Secret of my heart 毫無疑問地
I can't say 只要再一些 I'm waiting for a chance.
破壞它 保護它 更加靠近它
Secret of my heart 我已經了解
I can't stay 絕對的 I'm calling for a chance.
Can I tell the truth? 那句話所說的 感到空轉的唇
Feeling in my heart 無法隱藏 這就是全部 'Cause I love you.
I will be with you. Whenever you are. Can you feel my heart?
Can't you see, you're my dream 什麼也不會失去
I just wanna say 再也不迷惑
Can't you see, you're my heart 做怎樣的東西
輕易就壞了 當那天來到
雖然還沒到 無論何時都不會改變
Secret of my heart. Our future is forever...
Related Sites:
1.倉木麻衣 Official Blog
Monday, October 29, 2007
朋友S數月前的US論文報告之行,說帶回來一個紀念品給我。我一直以為是一張CD,前天收到時才發現我誤解了,原來是在DC(Wahington D.C.)買的禮物,不是CD。 @@
A White House bookmark, very cool. 是一張白宮形狀的書籤。剛好欠書籤,可以好好地利用一下。希望不會很快就褪色或掉漆。岡溫。
A White House bookmark, very cool. 是一張白宮形狀的書籤。剛好欠書籤,可以好好地利用一下。希望不會很快就褪色或掉漆。岡溫。
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Talk To My Hand
After some intensive workings on studying in one afternoon last week, I was so exhausted. I decided to get a cup of black coffee and chocolate from 7-11.
I walked toward 7-11 with my i-pod shuffle on. In the corner of the street, one young guy was standing there. When I passed him, he seemed to wanna ask me something with a piece of paper. ''Excuse m...'' I stopped him from talking with my one hand up without saying anything.
He had sensed my hand gesture seriously meant ''STOP TALKING, whatever freaking it is'' and shut up immediately. Then I was gone. I didn't even place a glance at this poor guy cuz I was going into near-coma status if I didn't get some rest and coffee real quick.
Dude, sorry for scaring the crap out of you. I felt awful. So.. just talk to my hand.
I walked toward 7-11 with my i-pod shuffle on. In the corner of the street, one young guy was standing there. When I passed him, he seemed to wanna ask me something with a piece of paper. ''Excuse m...'' I stopped him from talking with my one hand up without saying anything.
He had sensed my hand gesture seriously meant ''STOP TALKING, whatever freaking it is'' and shut up immediately. Then I was gone. I didn't even place a glance at this poor guy cuz I was going into near-coma status if I didn't get some rest and coffee real quick.
Dude, sorry for scaring the crap out of you. I felt awful. So.. just talk to my hand.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Bikes Workout
昨天要出發去台中參加2007 Jazz Festival前,收到了前幾天訂的貨,一台英國Body Sculpture臥式健身車。
最近望著自己日漸臃腫的小腹與日漸鬆弛的屁肌,覺得越發不可收拾,平均一~二週才打一次的週六老人慢速籃球,消耗的熱量遠不足以與平常吃進去的熱量相比(運動消耗之熱量,已達到量小可忽略)。所以家裡決定買一台健身腳踏車。聽完Jazz Festival回到家裡,趕緊把重達50Kg的箱子連拖帶拉,弄到3樓,就迫不及待開始拼裝起來。
國小時拼裝樂高積木以後,就再也沒有組裝甚麼大型複雜的物品過。一堆金屬鋼管(?),一陀螺絲、線路,真是個重量級的物品,說明書上也說:可能需要兩人以上組裝。午夜12點,找不到幫手,所以一個人還是很努力地在1.5 hrs內把健身車組好。
因此,今天晚上,就一邊看最新的Private Practice,Grey's Anatomy與Bones一邊騎車,達到了流汗與運動時維持心跳數120以上的效果。臥式腳踏車的好處,就是增加了背部支撐,不會讓人容易腰酸背痛,又可以一邊看書或看影片,運動與看影片的結合,也變成了一種享受(更容易多工作業),可以讓人騎得更久更遠(有用里程表在計算的話),增加運動量。
看來能重拾我健美小腿大腿與有彈性健美的Barkley屁股時日已不遠矣... 嘿嘿嘿~嘿嘿嘿~(搖晃)
最近望著自己日漸臃腫的小腹與日漸鬆弛的屁肌,覺得越發不可收拾,平均一~二週才打一次的週六老人慢速籃球,消耗的熱量遠不足以與平常吃進去的熱量相比(運動消耗之熱量,已達到量小可忽略)。所以家裡決定買一台健身腳踏車。聽完Jazz Festival回到家裡,趕緊把重達50Kg的箱子連拖帶拉,弄到3樓,就迫不及待開始拼裝起來。
國小時拼裝樂高積木以後,就再也沒有組裝甚麼大型複雜的物品過。一堆金屬鋼管(?),一陀螺絲、線路,真是個重量級的物品,說明書上也說:可能需要兩人以上組裝。午夜12點,找不到幫手,所以一個人還是很努力地在1.5 hrs內把健身車組好。
因此,今天晚上,就一邊看最新的Private Practice,Grey's Anatomy與Bones一邊騎車,達到了流汗與運動時維持心跳數120以上的效果。臥式腳踏車的好處,就是增加了背部支撐,不會讓人容易腰酸背痛,又可以一邊看書或看影片,運動與看影片的結合,也變成了一種享受(更容易多工作業),可以讓人騎得更久更遠(有用里程表在計算的話),增加運動量。
看來能重拾我健美小腿大腿與有彈性健美的Barkley屁股時日已不遠矣... 嘿嘿嘿~嘿嘿嘿~(搖晃)
Friday, October 26, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
I was watching Bones season 2 Episode 10. This episode about story of headless witch was kinda thrilling. Like, movies so scary that you end up peeing your pants.
Then in the middle of the show, agent Booth was investigating a victim's girlfriend who was checked back in psych ward. Background music is rising. Getting nervous. The girl was going to get freaking out. B-E-E-P. B-E-E-P. There came a text message, loud and clear. Darn, it suddenly scared me a little (without peeing my pants).
Best advice: turn your cell phone into silent mode when you are watching something scary. Or it might be bad for your health.
Oh, and by the way, I definitely love DR. TEMPERANCE BRENNAN (A.K.A. ''Bones'').
Then in the middle of the show, agent Booth was investigating a victim's girlfriend who was checked back in psych ward. Background music is rising. Getting nervous. The girl was going to get freaking out. B-E-E-P. B-E-E-P. There came a text message, loud and clear. Darn, it suddenly scared me a little (without peeing my pants).
Best advice: turn your cell phone into silent mode when you are watching something scary. Or it might be bad for your health.
Oh, and by the way, I definitely love DR. TEMPERANCE BRENNAN (A.K.A. ''Bones'').
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
朋友S晚上打手機給我,當時我正要準備去洗澡,就這樣被硬生生地打斷脫衣連續動作。為了要告訴我她的blog文章密碼,因為她自己改了慣用的密碼,怕我看不到文章。好吧,這樣讓我這個『偽 ‧星海羅盤』受寵若驚。不過,因為 doctor-patient confidentiality,Uh,不是,是私人隱私不能透露太多。
各位有志青年若對這位 USA Tulane大學 博士候選人有意的話,請排隊報名。也請各位不要爭先恐後彼此踐踏,謝謝各位合作。
各位有志青年若對這位 USA Tulane大學 博士候選人有意的話,請排隊報名。也請各位不要爭先恐後彼此踐踏,謝謝各位合作。
Sunday, October 14, 2007
[串聯] NBA LIVE 08
[Gilbert Arenas A.K.A. Agent Zero) / Washington Wizards #0]
呼呼,一年update一次的Game - NBA Live 2008,終於又快上市了。
從在SFC(超級任天堂)的Live 9x開始,玩到PC版,後來玩到PS2,現在又玩回PC版覺得才是王道啊!這遊戲我可是年年必玩!強力推薦!而且千萬不要忘記加上一支至少八鈕的 joystick才能操縱自如!(我個人喜愛用 Logitech的 joystick。)
EA SPORTS, it's the game! HAVE FUN & GOOD LUCK!!
Playerfile of Agent Zero
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Doogie Howser, who? - Test your disease knowledge - Test your drug knowledge
I have no idea who that is before I played the games. Seems Doogie is a genius teenage MD from a popular US TV show ''Doogie Howser, M.D.'' during 1989-1993.
Anyways, test yourself. Have Fun!
Monday, October 8, 2007
[Music] Buttons
Reason I present you this because, they are HOT, and SEXY. The song was performed by Pussycat Dolls by 2006, featuring Snoop Dogg.
The song is also provocative. And it gets the people going! One of the disco anthems. Damn, I missed disco.
If you are under 18. Please DO NOT PRESS PLAY. Parental Advisory.
The song is also provocative. And it gets the people going! One of the disco anthems. Damn, I missed disco.
If you are under 18. Please DO NOT PRESS PLAY. Parental Advisory.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Keep Moving Foward - Meet The Robinsons
Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long.
We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...
And curiosity keeps leading up down new paths.
I watched ''Meet the Robinsons'' last Sunday. Wow, it's definitely the best animation of this year! It's about science, future world, love, family, and friendship. All in one. Absolutely fantastic!
It's creative and touching (The time machine part reminds me of Doraemon). I didn't expect it too much before watching cuz I thought it's just another Disney animation talking about future stuff. I was wrong. It totally rocks. Inventive and fun! The Robinsons' family is so great. They are not afraid that you fail. They even encourage you to fail! And you learn from the failure you made.
Keep moving forward. That's the way to succeed. I LOVE this anim!!!
Meet the Robinsons Official Site
Walt Disneys Pictures Official Site
We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...
And curiosity keeps leading up down new paths.
Walt Disney
I watched ''Meet the Robinsons'' last Sunday. Wow, it's definitely the best animation of this year! It's about science, future world, love, family, and friendship. All in one. Absolutely fantastic!
It's creative and touching (The time machine part reminds me of Doraemon). I didn't expect it too much before watching cuz I thought it's just another Disney animation talking about future stuff. I was wrong. It totally rocks. Inventive and fun! The Robinsons' family is so great. They are not afraid that you fail. They even encourage you to fail! And you learn from the failure you made.
Keep moving forward. That's the way to succeed. I LOVE this anim!!!
Meet the Robinsons Official Site
Walt Disneys Pictures Official Site
Friday, October 5, 2007
Judge Joke
有位法官,死後到了地獄 。
有位法官,死後到了地獄 。
Thursday, October 4, 2007
[支持連署] 與緬甸抗議民眾站在同一陣線
經過幾十年軍政府的獨裁專政,緬甸人民開始反抗-他們且需要我們的幫助.僧侶與尼姑開始遊行,像滾雪球一樣召集成千上萬的人到街上遊行.然而鎮壓已開始...但示威遊行卻在漫佈開來 上次緬甸人民在1988年遊行時軍隊屠殺了成千上萬的人.這次世界人民若挺身而出來支持緬甸人民,他們也許會成功. 我們現在在跟時間賽跑---我們在全球宣導運動把焦點集中在獨裁政府最大的支持者中國上,將請願書遞交到聯合國秘書長手中且透過影片來表達對緬甸人民的支持。
致中國主席胡錦濤和聯合國安全理事會: 我們與緬甸市民站在同一陣線上來為和平抗爭.我們激勵你們來對抗鎮壓反對民眾的暴力手段,並對在緬甸的真誠調和及民主提出支持.我們宣示你們將會對更近一步的流血事件負責任.
請現在就採取行動! 請進來 這裡 支持連署
*截至這個時間點,全世界已有532,038 (53萬+)人連署[持續增加中],下一個目標是達成1,000,000(100萬)人連署。請多告知你的朋友們一起加入連署!
*瞭解 (全球之聲)是甚麼
[ 目前世界各地數百個非政府組織正利用「AVAAZ.ORG全球之聲」這個網站進行連署,這份請願書將送交聯合國各會員國,包括長期運送武器給緬甸軍政府的中國政府。中國政府與緬甸軍政府之間的利益勾結剝削了緬甸人民,天然資源的壟斷使他們基本的生活品質逐年下降,最後不得不以鮮血、赤腳挺身為民主政治奮戰。--本段文字出處 ]
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