Tuesday, July 31, 2007

[賭爛] You are SO Unbelievable!

我在已經打了兩年的cerebrity室內球場打全場籃球一直都是很認真的,我很想贏、不想輸、也不覺得該輸。但是有時候,That's the way it is. 因為球場上瞬息萬變,會有各種不同情況發生,還是會有輸的機會。

華僑朋友Joey常常會跟我場中或場外面授機宜,教我不要忘記發揮自己的長處進攻、防守的訣竅與攻守觀念。我謙虛接受這些建議,並在腦理想著要怎麼打,而且我也需要這些提醒,可以在當我打得腦充血(不用大腦打球)時把我拉回來,發揮出我當Swing man的威力。Use my head to play!所以說,只要大家夠努力攻防,內容OK,沒有『太多』不該有的失誤(失誤每個人都會有,只要能從錯誤中學習,次數就會減少)。所以我能接受隊友投籃命中率不準,我也能接受輸的事實。

但是,我卻非常非常不能接受擺爛(or白爛)的隊友,尤其是會把一場球賽的『內容』弄得very low且讓我們輸球的隊友。最近又有其他台灣人加入。但是,球技已經不好,戰鬥精神更不行。進攻無能就算了,防守,更是差到一個不行:數不清的失誤、不幫忙協防、守前面又不敢碰對方而讓對方後衛輕易過人、不儘速回防。說老實話,我要這種Ben所稱的廢物隊友幹嘛?只要跟這些人同隊打球,輸球完全無可避免。連續輸了兩三個禮拜(只要有他們在隊上,輸率:100%),我百般無奈,很怒卻通常只搖頭也不想講話,F在心裡口難開。上個禮拜Joey對我開釋:他們球技不行,你應該教導他們怎麼打,讓他們有機會變好,觀念加強。我聽進去。





再笨的人也知道誰的實力強,誰有資格說話,所以此人又是只能回垃圾話。我封耳專心打球拒聽且完全不想鳥他。當然這場球,內容爛到一個不行,又是輸球的下場。賭爛到一個不行!我跟朋友Ben兩個人都很認真打,卻遇到這種NO SENSE的隊友,我們就是只有一個共同的命運:輸球,且輸得很生氣。

遇到這麼不受教的人,看來Joey給我的交代我是無法好好完成。 華僑陳先生說我們好像是在 4 vs 5。要講到這幾個台灣隊友,唉,我們就是一個搖頭嘆氣,那種場上夢遊是怎麼一回事?那種接球常常接不住、掉球把球送對手反快攻是怎麼一回事?看球看半天不幫忙回防是怎麼一回事?一堆的F在我的嘴裡與心裡徘徊。

後來的一場,我跟Ben決定一切自己來:自己的命運掌握在自己手上球賽的勝負我們捨我其誰?我的快攻與傳球加上Ben的連續擦板得分,勝利(對手:華僑) 。最後一場,我回復成強力主控與得分球員,勝利(對手:菲律賓人,隊友有華僑)。

最後想要送給那人一句話:So you can shut your mouth, sit back at the bench, watch and learn how the good players play!


Monday, July 30, 2007

[Music] Scatman's World

This is an interesting song by Scatman John (1942-1999). First time that I heard the song was at 1994 World Cup games Ending theme song braodcasted by NHK. I didn't know what that song was then. Just felt it's a perfect match to those exciting ''goal'' clips.

You know how cheerful it was to see those world first-class soccer players having every fantastic and unbelievable way to score on the football court, especially going with this ''fast beat smash hit''. The song entered #14 of its first week in the UK Singles chart, and then peaked at #10. This song was based on Canon in D Major.

Oh! It just brought me back to 1994 and the passionate me on soccer and WC. Loved the 1994 World Cup games man! For me, it's the best among these years' WC. Okay, enough histories here. Here you go, listen to one of my favorite - ''Scatman's World''.

Scatman John (1942-1999)簡介:他的成名,就是一連串樂觀進取的奮鬥歷程。一生飽受口吃的困擾的 John Paul Larkin,一直將自己隱「聲」於鋼琴樂音之後,認命地當一個爵士鋼琴家。直到1987 年,他忽然發現其實唱歌沒有說話那麼困難,於是他在90年代挾著濃厚的爵士音樂底子,為自己爭取到第一張唱片合約《SCATMAN'S WORLD》,自1994年52歲時正式出道以來,便開始了演唱生涯。在他的努力下,他不但唱,而且還唱Hip-Hop、RAP,直到1999年過世(享 年57歲,died of lung cancer)時,他的專輯與單曲共獲得了14張金唱片與18張白金唱片的殊榮,風靡整個歐洲!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

More about Ratatouille

Take a peek at the official Ratatouille videos. Click ''VIDEO PLAYLIST'' to choose the trailer to watch. Or Behind the Scenes something like that. If you like it, just go to the movies. I don't know when Taiwan's theaters will have it, though.

Here are recipes of Ratatouille.("ra-ta-TOO-ee")

1.French version.(Ratatouille niçoise par Maïté)
2.English version.

ANYONE CAN COOK ... (Chef Gusteau’s motto)

''Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.”

註:Ratatouille 是一種法式燉菜,主要材料是蕃茄,然後在配上南瓜、洋蔥、茄子、甜椒、羅勒葉及特調的香辛料,使用橄欖油去高溫燉煮,上菜時可以自成主菜(搭配上肉、飯,或是法式麵包),或是當成附餐。

Friday, July 27, 2007

Peninsula Hotel Nielsen's Dinner Buffet Wins.

[Pic from The Peninsula Manila Website]

July.12.2007,終於去了我朝思慕想的Peninsula Hotel (半島酒店) 吃Dinner buffet。為何如此難得?是因為全世界Peninsula只有7家,分別是在HK、NY、Chicago、Beverly Hills、Bangkok、 Beijing、Manila。Tokyo將在 September 2007 開幕,Shanghai 是2009。

Peninsula Manila是在繁華的Makati市中心,我們在 6:30 pm 進場,此時只有兩桌人,環境非常安靜、燈光非常優雅,氣氛比 Shangri-la Hotel 好很多。Buffet料理的種類雖然不及 Shangri-la 繁多,但是採取精品制,菜色精緻特別,且較沒有便宜菜色來打混。而價格比Shangri-la便宜許多,今年母親節在Shangri-la吃午餐需1600+ p,比預料的1300+ p貴很多。而此次dinner buffet 的消費,只需1100 p,Very reasonable。

Roast Beef
(烤牛肉),inside is Very Rare. The chef will put on a hot plate to cook (or not to). So you can choose Rare, Medium Rare, Medium Well or Well Done. Whatever you want.

Mixed Sashimi
: Fresh and delicious. The arrangement was very well too.

Dessert bar :
Many kinds of fruits, puddings, and cakes. Heard some cake was a beauty. But didn't try any because I was too full to touch them.

Icecream Bar :
Two kinds of icecreams. Put as more chocolate, condensed milk and honey dips as you like. The same as above, I was too full to try any.

This meal was a big satisfaction. So as you wanna know, if I want to choose between Peninsula's and Shangri-la's buffet, I'll take Peninsula's. Better price, better food, better dining environment. But if you favor in seafood more, going to Shangri-la would be a better choice for ya.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

[Travels] 新天堂樂園 - PAGUPUD

這次7/18- 23旅行的行程遍經 Laoag (佬沃),Vigan (維干 - 西班牙古城鎮),最後兩天則在美麗的 Pagupud (帕古布)海灘悠閒度過。Pagupud距離Laoag往北兩小時公車車程,距離Luzon本島之最北端Mayraira Point不遠,當然,這裡距離台灣的距離已經非常近了,要是能有飛機能直飛的話,也許30 mins就能到達。

沒有污染的Pagupud,未有太多人為開發或破壞,保持了最自然的風景與白色海灘。來到海灘邊,我就是放鬆心情,當一個Beach Boy。早上一起床,打開房門,放眼望去就是美麗的清晨海灘,配合著規律的海浪聲,就有一種『幸福』的感覺。吃完早餐後,坐下來讀我的小說『Timeline』,偶爾抬頭看看近在眼前的海景。讀累了,就到沙灘前的躺椅聽著海潮之聲打個小盹。下午,拿了一條大毛巾到海灘上曬日光浴,然後一個人到海灘上散步,同時也漫步在清澈的海水中,拿著相機記錄下這新天堂樂園的景色,甚麼都不多想,這才是享受的生活!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Today's Movies - The Simpsons Movie & Ratatouille

Today we watched two movies straight, The Simpsons Movie & Ratatouille. They are just new released today( July 25th). Of course, we won't miss them, especially we've already expected them for months. Sometimes we'd like to brag about how fast we could watch new movies. Most of the time, the 1st day of showing. Because tickets for movies are cheap in here, like 70-110 NT. Even though the price is low, movies here still have very good qualities for visual and sound effects. Without considering financial issues, we could just go to movie theaters as often as we can. Within this year, I have watched a lot more movies than I have ever watched for the last 20+ years in Taiwan. Nice movie environments, huh?
These two movies have a common aspect, both are comedies. Ratatouille mentioned more about friendship, love, family. Of course, a little more touching. The Simpsons movie is certainly funnier. I recommend you to watch both of them if you got time and money. I don't wanna ruin your pleasure of watching by telling you too much detail. So, just find a theater and enjoy the movies then.
Ratatouille ("ra-ta-TOO-ee") is a traditional French Provençal stewed vegetable dish. The dish, originating in Nice, is fully named ratatouille niçoise.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

[Music] Breakable

Here comes
Ingrid Michaelson's song again! It was put in Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Episode 8: Staring at the Sun (Air Date: 03/08/2007). Love the song composing, the smoothly flying rhythm, of course, and Ingrid's fantastic voice as well. Been thinking about introducing you guys this song for days. So now here you go.


Have you ever thought about what protects our hearts?
Just a cage of rib bones and other various parts.
So it's fairly simple to cut right through the mess,
And to stop the muscle that makes us confess.

And we are so fragile,
And our cracking bones make noise,
And we are just,
Breakable, breakable, breakable girls and boys.

You fasten my seatbelt because it is the law.
In your two ton death trap I finally saw.
A piece of love in your face that bathed me in regret.
Then you drove me to places I'll never forget.

And we are so fragile,
And our cracking bones make noise,
And we are just,
Breakable, breakable, breakable girls and boys.

And we are so fragile,
And our cracking bones make noise,
And we are just,
Breakable, breakable, breakable girls-
Breakable, breakable, breakable girls-
Breakable, breakable, breakable girls and boys.

or visit Ingrid's official site

Monday, July 16, 2007

[Travels] 卡哇伊

事發生在Okinawa的第三天晚上,我與這次沖繩旅遊認識的朋友Ivy & Shirley去逛Naha的平價mall Jusco。



順利地日本妹妹合照,合照完我還指著相機的LCD對她說:『卡哇伊~』她更是開心地笑得花枝亂顫,我們離開時就她也用力招手說bye-bye ,還招的特別用力...後來我再仔細看LCD,發現...Ohmigod...她笑得太開心...變成血盆大口了啦....~@@~ 洋娃娃變了,嗚.....早知道至少要照兩張............ Orz

PS.照片是在 Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium(沖繩之海生館)裡的Shark lab照的shark齒列,絕對與這位洋娃娃日本妹妹無關。

Thursday, July 12, 2007

[賭爛] 最恨投機客 - 後續結局

說那想黑$的maid一直拖著不肯把她想硬修黑一筆的電風扇拿來,今天房東來找我借東西的時候,剛好見到那maid在樓下,我直接批哩啪啦地發難(英翻漢):我的電風扇在哪?叫妳不要修妳為什麼還是要修?把我的電風扇拿回來!我就只付150!我之前還把小電風扇送妳,妳怎麼能這樣對我? 她只好唯諾地說好,她去試試。(試個鬼?)

過了一小時後,maid拿了電風扇上門來,還帶了一個老女人來幫忙講話:說要200。我還是不爽,上限已訂,還敢跟我五四三?只給150。老女人開始摸不著邊際地講:一開始就修了,老闆還很生氣為什麼沒付$我們就把電風扇拿走....云云廢話。 I sticked to my point,對maid嚴厲地再說:難道我就不能生氣嗎?我更生氣!我當初說不要修妳幹嘛還修?那現在我就是付150。老女人還是不甘心地當鸚鵡:當初拿到老闆就開始修了,怎麼可以不付。來這招?我繼續講:為什麼沒有經過我的允許還會去修?當初就是說要看看問題在哪,報價再決定,妳為什麼這樣做?

Maid這時才軟化說:Sir, 150 is ok...老女人又碎念:那你是要拿去用不付$嗎...我正想破口大罵時,maid跟她說:有啦,150啦。我這才收回想要把150丟到她們身上並把她們狂掃出門的打算!測試一下電風扇還OK,最後給了150讓她們走人。(老女人走時還唸唸有詞:200很便宜了..) 就是不想被妳們黑這麼多,不然是要怎麼樣?


這種投機客讓人可恨,有機會以為別人不懂就想黑$?好歹我也在這歷練過一段時間,想要合理的偷賺一點我還可以接受,但是想要騙我400、或跟我討價還價要200? No freaking way!

[The meaning of the pic: No Bullshit.]

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

[感動] A Star Is Born - Paul Potts

貌不揚的Paul Potts,一個對自己沒有太大自信的賣場手機銷售員,他的夢想是當職業演唱者。Paul參加UK的 Britains Got Talent,主持人問:Paul, 你為我們帶來什麼?他回答「唱歌劇」,主持人一臉不以為然與不耐地讓他開始表演。Paul唱了『杜蘭朵公主』裡面的詠歎調『公主徹夜未眠』 [ Turandot , Nessun dorma ],聲音一出,震驚四座,主持人開始專心聽演唱,甚至有觀眾聽得掉下了眼淚。唱完後,全場歡呼四起、佳評如潮!



A proverb said, You can't judge a book by its cover. Paul Potts, a humble, shy guy working as a mobile phone salesman. The judges just thought ''here we go again'' when Paul said he's going to sing opera. After his voice was out, they started to listen. The audience applauded all the way down to the end of the song Nessun dorma from Giacomo Puccini's opera Turandot . It was a total success for Paul's debut. After then, Paul won the competetion after several strongly competitive contests. He is recording his own CD right now and will get the honor to sing in front of the Queen in September. Men cannot be judged by their looks. Say hello to the world, Paul. You are going to be okay!

The NY Times Review: The People’s Tenor Pits the Sniffles Against the Sniffs

Monday, July 9, 2007

[Music] I'll Be Over You - ToTo

It was a day on my clerkship rotation. After going back to my dorm, I was so fatigued and didn't wanna do anything. I reviewed my music folder. Found this song that I haven't listened to for some time. It made me feel WARM from my heart. So warm! Who said I need classic music to calm me down? Who said I need the latest Billboards to cheer me up? Sometimes only the olddies can warm your exhausted heart....

This is the music video for Toto's 1986 hit song "I'll Be Over You" from their "Fahrenheit" album. It also features singer Michael McDonald.

TOTO - I'll Be Over You (1986)

Some people live their dreams
Some people close their eyes
Some people's destiny
Passes by

There are no guarantees
There are no alibis
That's how our love must be
Don't ask why

It takes some time
God knows how long
I know that I can forget you

As soon as my heart stops breakin'
As soon as forever is through
I'll be over you

Remembering times gone by
Promises we once made
What are the reasons why
Nothing stays the same

There were the nights holding you close
Someday I'll try to forget them
Someday I'll be over you

如何在我的 Blogger 文章留言

天小銘說想要留言時(其實是被我逼迫),卻找不到地方留,他自爆說英文看不懂,為了防止此種憾事再次發生,所以今天寫一篇『如何對 Blogger 的文章留言』。不好意思各位,因為還是英文版比較好看,且為了向『國際化』邁進(雖然文章的英文普及率好像還不夠高@@),所以還是保持原版面。


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