Saturday, October 18, 2008

Blog Rating System

This is fun. Rate your blog just like movies. However, I was disappointed that I only got the result of ''general auduence.'' That means I need to swear more to get a better result?

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

But I like the green one much more, actually. :P


Anonymous said...

This is so cool~~~
how do they rate ur blog by the way...i am curious.
I'm gonna put this on my blog too~~~

H said...

i believe that its grading depends on what wording you are using. And I don't think it can rate Mandarin words... So I guess your rate will be pretty much the same as mine, ''for general audience'' which disappointed me. :(

I am considering using more F words to level up my rate to green one. I am just joking. :P

Anonymous said...

Actually I figured out that. I was thinking to put bad words on my blog....haha....but i'm just lazy to do it.
So how about you try it and let me know the result?

H said...

Don't you remember I, in fact, used some F or S words occasionally? Maybe the amount is not enough. :P

I saw your blog about it, and seems there was someone criticizing for this fun stuff. And I would really like to give him F words to test if this rating system works in comments as well. Hehehehe...