Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Today's Movies - The Simpsons Movie & Ratatouille

Today we watched two movies straight, The Simpsons Movie & Ratatouille. They are just new released today( July 25th). Of course, we won't miss them, especially we've already expected them for months. Sometimes we'd like to brag about how fast we could watch new movies. Most of the time, the 1st day of showing. Because tickets for movies are cheap in here, like 70-110 NT. Even though the price is low, movies here still have very good qualities for visual and sound effects. Without considering financial issues, we could just go to movie theaters as often as we can. Within this year, I have watched a lot more movies than I have ever watched for the last 20+ years in Taiwan. Nice movie environments, huh?
These two movies have a common aspect, both are comedies. Ratatouille mentioned more about friendship, love, family. Of course, a little more touching. The Simpsons movie is certainly funnier. I recommend you to watch both of them if you got time and money. I don't wanna ruin your pleasure of watching by telling you too much detail. So, just find a theater and enjoy the movies then.
Ratatouille ("ra-ta-TOO-ee") is a traditional French Provençal stewed vegetable dish. The dish, originating in Nice, is fully named ratatouille niçoise.

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