Tuesday, July 10, 2007

[感動] A Star Is Born - Paul Potts

貌不揚的Paul Potts,一個對自己沒有太大自信的賣場手機銷售員,他的夢想是當職業演唱者。Paul參加UK的 Britains Got Talent,主持人問:Paul, 你為我們帶來什麼?他回答「唱歌劇」,主持人一臉不以為然與不耐地讓他開始表演。Paul唱了『杜蘭朵公主』裡面的詠歎調『公主徹夜未眠』 [ Turandot , Nessun dorma ],聲音一出,震驚四座,主持人開始專心聽演唱,甚至有觀眾聽得掉下了眼淚。唱完後,全場歡呼四起、佳評如潮!



A proverb said, You can't judge a book by its cover. Paul Potts, a humble, shy guy working as a mobile phone salesman. The judges just thought ''here we go again'' when Paul said he's going to sing opera. After his voice was out, they started to listen. The audience applauded all the way down to the end of the song Nessun dorma from Giacomo Puccini's opera Turandot . It was a total success for Paul's debut. After then, Paul won the competetion after several strongly competitive contests. He is recording his own CD right now and will get the honor to sing in front of the Queen in September. Men cannot be judged by their looks. Say hello to the world, Paul. You are going to be okay!

The NY Times Review: The People’s Tenor Pits the Sniffles Against the Sniffs

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