Friday, July 27, 2007

Peninsula Hotel Nielsen's Dinner Buffet Wins.

[Pic from The Peninsula Manila Website]

July.12.2007,終於去了我朝思慕想的Peninsula Hotel (半島酒店) 吃Dinner buffet。為何如此難得?是因為全世界Peninsula只有7家,分別是在HK、NY、Chicago、Beverly Hills、Bangkok、 Beijing、Manila。Tokyo將在 September 2007 開幕,Shanghai 是2009。

Peninsula Manila是在繁華的Makati市中心,我們在 6:30 pm 進場,此時只有兩桌人,環境非常安靜、燈光非常優雅,氣氛比 Shangri-la Hotel 好很多。Buffet料理的種類雖然不及 Shangri-la 繁多,但是採取精品制,菜色精緻特別,且較沒有便宜菜色來打混。而價格比Shangri-la便宜許多,今年母親節在Shangri-la吃午餐需1600+ p,比預料的1300+ p貴很多。而此次dinner buffet 的消費,只需1100 p,Very reasonable。

Roast Beef
(烤牛肉),inside is Very Rare. The chef will put on a hot plate to cook (or not to). So you can choose Rare, Medium Rare, Medium Well or Well Done. Whatever you want.

Mixed Sashimi
: Fresh and delicious. The arrangement was very well too.

Dessert bar :
Many kinds of fruits, puddings, and cakes. Heard some cake was a beauty. But didn't try any because I was too full to touch them.

Icecream Bar :
Two kinds of icecreams. Put as more chocolate, condensed milk and honey dips as you like. The same as above, I was too full to try any.

This meal was a big satisfaction. So as you wanna know, if I want to choose between Peninsula's and Shangri-la's buffet, I'll take Peninsula's. Better price, better food, better dining environment. But if you favor in seafood more, going to Shangri-la would be a better choice for ya.


Unknown said...


H said...

to John:

2 & 4是我的,3、5、6算你的,

在這麼有氣氛的高級地方這樣犧牲色相照相,也只有靠你了。(你明明很多菜怕服務生看到就不敢拍,還假!哈~ XD)

Cynthia said...


I can totally understand that you say you are too full to touch the dessert and icecream...

Haha, that's you.

H said...

to Cyn:

No, that's totally not me. I should have eaten more!!! Heh heh...

(剛好這張mixed sashimi是我照的,讚吧?妳口水擦一下...呵~)