Sunday, September 30, 2007

[Music] The Way I Am

The first video is an Old Navy Commercial, which uses ''The Way I Am''. The one about the sweaters. You'll probably hear it and want to buy some sweaters. :)

Here again, one of my favorite songwriter/singer - Ingrid Michaelson. If you don't quite know her or her songs, see HERE and HERE. Simple song, huge meaning. Love it more and more. Enjoy!

["Keep Breathing" now available on the Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Soundtrack. There are a ton of great artists on this album. So you guys heard me, Grey's Anatomy S3 OST is out!]


If you were falling, then I would catch you.
You need a light, I'd find a match.

Cuz I love the way you say good morning.
And you take me the way I am.

If you are chilly, here take my sweater.
Your head is aching, I'll make it better.

Cuz I love the way you call me baby.
And you take me the way I am.

I'd buy you Rogaine if you start losing all your hair.
Sew on patches to all you tear.

Cuz I love you more than I could ever promise.
And you take me the way I am.
You take me the way I am.
You take me the way I am.

Ingrid performs ''The Way I Am'' on Last Call with Carson Daly, 9/21/07.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Celebrate! Chien-Ming Wang 19 Wins !

Celebrate! Chien-Ming Wang, hero of Taiwan, today lasted six strong innings and finally earned his 19th victory of the season. At the same time, the Yankees is clinching their 13th consecutive postseason appearance with a 12-4 victory over the Devil Rays at Tropicana Field.

In the beginning of season, I wanted to post a blog entry everytime Wang wins. But I thought sometimes I couldn't be able to catch up with updates of every game. So now here it is. At Wang's last season game of 2007. Next time he will be pitching at a postseason game.

So let's wait for the postseason started. And pray for Wang leading the Yankees bringing a world championship back to New York. WANG ROCKS!! Oh, wait a sec, maybe I should say,


Chien-Ming Wang #40.P
STATS of 2007:
ERA 3.70
W-L 19-7
SO 104
Full Name: Chien-Ming Wang
Born: 03/31/1980
Birthplace: Tainan, Taiwan
Height: 6'3" Weight: 225
Bats: Right
Throws: Right
College: Taipei Physical Education College
MLB Debut: 04/30/2005

The Official Site of Chien-Ming Wang
The Official Site of The New York Yankees
The Official Site of MLB

Monday, September 24, 2007

Happy Hour

Fill a highball glass half full of ice cubes, add the gin, vodka, rum, tequila, lemon juice and sugar - stir - add a splash of cola garnish with a slice of lemon.


昨天(Sunday)與高中同學Ric, Bin and Allan傍晚打完籃球後,回家吃個飯、洗個澡,晚上再出來跟同學喝茶聚會。這家簡餐店提供了 9 pm-1 am 酒精飲料無限暢飲。Menu上的調酒都可以點,紅酒只有一種(沒喝,不知道是哪一牌),啤酒則只有青島啤酒。但是其他三個同學中,Allan and Bin兩個今天不能喝,Ric則是無法喝超過一杯,因此只有我點無限暢飲。我只喝了四杯,其中前三杯都是兩顆星(兩顆~五顆代表強度),最後一杯才喝了Long Island Ice Tea(上面是寫五顆)。原本要是四個人點,店家給的小菜約會給四、五樣。雖然只有我點,但是小菜還是贈送了三道:炸薯條,雞排,與芋頭餅+鬆餅(這組合較奇怪)。酒不能一起喝,不過小菜可以大家吃,只要333 NT,不要忘記


Ps.調酒一杯都是120-200 NT,此店是
Long Island Ice Tea最貴,200 NT,只要你想要喝到兩杯以上,價$大概一下子就超過300 NT。

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Capture The Dream

Sometimes you are doing one thing on your own, and people (friends or even strangers) disagree with you. Even laugh at you. What are you gonna do? Cease what you are doing? Or DON'T GIVE A SHIT about what they say?

I'll say, go for it. Go capture the dream. Screw them.

Remeber the funniest movie of 2007? IF you don't, Here.

There was one scene.

Jimmy: They're laughing at us.
Chazz: Hey. They laughed at Louis Armstrong when he said he was gonna go to the moon. Now he's up there, laughing at them.

There were typhos by Chazz. Kinda funny when I heard this. But I did know what he means. It could get people going!

1.Louis Amrstrong. Jazz.
2.Neil Armstrong. Moon Landing.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Moon Festival Is On the Corner

◢◤      ◥◣    ◢◤    ◥◣
◤        ◥◣  ◢◤      █
▎   ◢█◣   ◥◣◢◤   ◢█◣  █
◣  ◢◤ ◥◣        ◥◣ ◥◣◢◤
◥██◤   ◢◤         ◥◣ ◥◤
      █ ●       ●  █
      █ 〃   ▄   〃 █
      ◥◣   ╚╩╝   ◢◤
       ◥█▅▃▃ ▃▃▅█◤
         ◢◤   ◥◣
         █     █
        ◢◤▕   ▎◥◣
Friends passed me this via MSN. For Happy Moon Festival.

Next Tuesday will be Mid-Autumn Festival. What are you gonna do? Barbecues outside under the moon? Putting pomelo rinds on someone's head? Whatever you wanna do, don't break the laws (for example, BBQ at wrong places to pollute the environments). So, have a nice day, er... night.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Leaving For Bed

In the past of two nights, I've spent too much time surfing the internet for useless info and news. Okay, fooled around on the web for trash in a direct expression.

It means I did sleep late and I didn't have enough time to restore my power. That's why in the day time I've been feeling exhausted for two days. It really sucks. I decided that I have to force myself to leave the computer, and leave those stuffs behind. Then I could keep my computer intact (ever heard someone breaks his monitor when he doesn't have enough sleep?) and no need to pull the plug. (Dude, it ain't a ventilator...)

Good night guys. Sleep tight.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

[Music] I'll Be There

[Photo shot above Laoag, Philippines]

I'll be there
by Escape Club. This song has touched the hearts of many. It was a Billboard #8 hit in 1991. I love this song. Just feel the music and lyrics. You'll know why it is so nice and touching.

I'll Be There - Escape Club

Over mountains, over trees
Over oceans, over seas
Across the deserts
I'll be there

In a whisper on the wind
On the smile of a new friend
Just think of me
And I'll be there

Don't be afraid, oh my love
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight to be with you
'Cause I'm on your side, and I still care
I may have died, but I've gone nowhere
Just think of me, and I'll be there

On the edge of a waking dream
Over rivers, over streams
Through wind and rain
I'll be there

Across the wide and open sky
Thousands of miles I'd fly
To be with you
I'll be there


In the breath of a wind that sighs
Oh, there's no need to cry
Just think of me,
And I'll be there


The Escape Club MySpace Website

Monday, September 17, 2007

Art, Do You Love It?








很高興地在課堂結束之前與其他同學的作品一起交給老師,期待著一個充滿著創意感作品的高得分。下一週,老師來了,發下黑紙,我看到我的黑紙背面右下角,被白色的粉筆寫上一個與黑紙對比明顯的兩個數字: 55


What the fxxk is that? 我國中讀了三年的美術班,即使不是台灣最頂尖的一個資優班,好歹也是好幾百個應屆國小畢業生搶破頭地去報考,考過筆試&術科才拿到100名中的一個名額。即使我美術成績不是美術班裡面最好的,也有中上等級。而現在我用心作成的美術作品,『創意被當破壞,作品被當垃圾』?也不聽我解釋作品意義,美術這種東西再主觀,也沒有這樣批判評分法的吧!我心裡就暗自下定決心:妳這種老師還有甚麼值得我尊敬的?我也不可能從妳膚淺的程度與教學中學到任何東西!





現在想一想,真是感謝她,讓我這輩子第一次瞭解到 --- 應該作育英才、為人師表的老師裡面,也有敗類,也有智障,也有狗屎


Monday, September 10, 2007

Bull's Eye



That's all. 屁股突刺,殺~~~

Ps. Okay, 屁股突刺 is a metaphor only. 不要亂來。

Thursday, September 6, 2007

[Music] Drive

"Drive" was released by an American band The Cars in 1984. From the album "Heartbeat City". This song made it to #3 on the US Hot 100 chart. Lead vocals were by the bassist Benjamin Orr.

Remember in the middle of ''Transformers the movie'', Bumblebee plays the song while Sam (Shia LaBeouf) attempts to persuade Mikaela (Megan Fox) to get in his car? After hearing that, it pulled out the old memory of me. This love song is so beautiful and fantastic. Ben Orr's voice was smooth like silk! If you were the girl, how could you say NO to him and turn to another guy? Unless you were the fool....

Drive - The Cars

Who's gonna tell you when,
It's too late,
Who's gonna tell you things,
Aren't so great.

You can't go on, thinkin',
Nothing's wrong, but bye,
Who's gonna drive you home,

Who's gonna pick you up,
When You fall?
Who's gonna hang it up,
When you call?

Who's gonna pay attention,
To your dreams?
And who's gonna plug their ears,
When you scream?

You can't go on, thinkin'
Nothing's wrong, but bye,
Who's gonna drive you home, tonight?

Who's gonna hold you down,
When you shake?
Who's gonna come around,
When you break?

You can't go on, thinkin',
Nothin's wrong, but bye,
Who's gonna drive you home, tonight?

Oh, you know you can't go on, thinkin',
Nothin's wrong,
Who's gonna drive you home, tonight?

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

King For a Day

This is the most creative bday card I got this year. This was from a Texas Hold'em Poker website that I registered but never played on. Thanks for family and friends who sent me presents, bday card, and happy bday blessings.

One thing gotta mention, Nina skyped me from Hungary for Happy Bday at exact 12 am of the day. Not the first one saying that this year but was the one who did it at exactly the right time. (Frist one was Abby from China, at around 9 pm on previous day.) I really appreciated it.:)

Be the king of the day. Peace!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Winding Up!

No, it's NOT an Orz or some kind of silly symbols.

It only means my body feels tired. Need some new fuels maybe. But apparently, I think I need exercises. I haven't been doing exercise for two weeks, not along playing basketball. I only did some easy one in the house. Obviously, not enough, and not enough motivation to go on. No extra weight gained but still, some muscle discomforts that I cannot accurately describe are disturbing. Considering to hit a gym or an yoga class to push myself to do some exercise regularly.

Damn, it looks I need to WIND MYSELF UP and KICK some ASS!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Really Cool

"My name is Amelia and I was born in Muxía (A Coruña - Spain) on December the 23rd of 1911," she wrote as her first post on "Today it's my birthday and my grandson, who is very stingy, gave me a blog."

This 95-year-old spanish grandma is blogging. She. Is. Blogging! As I know, Amelia is the world's oldest blogger (63.2 million bloggers worldwide). In her blog entries, she discusses current politics, her daily life, and memories of past events, to her grandson, who posts them for her. You can see an erderly share her almost a century life experience with you just in a click. How cool is that! But there is a little problem for me, that most of the entries are post in Español which I don't really understand. I wish there will be someone translating them into English real soon.

1.The Guardian: Poetry, politics and old people's homes: the likes and dislikes of a 95-year-old blogger (September 1 2007)
2.OhmyNews International Interviews: World's Oldest Blogger Tells All