Sunday, August 19, 2007

How To Change the World - Evan Almighty

On August 14, we went watching Evan Almighty. It should be showing in the theater by August 22 and 14 was the Sneak Peak day! It's lucky that we could watch that a week earlier.

It's a comedy of biblical proportions. Including concepts of environment protection and some presious thoughts I wanna share with. For example, God told Joan when she was in desperate and didn't know what to do, this explains and corrects what people'd think about God and religions.

Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?

I also love the concepts it conveyed to me.

How do we change the world?
One single act of random kindness at a time.
One Act, of, Random, Kindness - ARK.

This is from Dummies series. But if you really can find a real one for ark building, please give me a copy. :)

Sometimes I just thought an individual is too small to do anything to change something. What you could do is to have a tiny effects surrounding you, for instance, protect the earth from global warming. But after this, I knew there are people out there doing the same thing, having the same thoughts, having the same goal. You don't have to be afraid you are alone and powerless.

And waht is this? Is this anything to do with this funny movie? Oh yeah, it is. ALMIGHTY FOREST encourages you to plant trees to fight climate change, restore wildlife habitat, improve air and water quality, expand recreational opportunities and leave a lasting legacy for future generations. Meaningful, and practical. You are not alone on this.

I'd recommend you to watch this movie if you got chances.

Official Site of Evan Almighty
Evan Almighty related activities for the earth: Get On Board


Anonymous said...

因為我們求所以神給我們機會去改變吧! 若要有求他就馬上讓我們變成我們所想要的,那實在是很沒意思也很不真實.反而很虛假....你覺得呢?在變成你所求的樣子前 ...我想有許多功課必須完成的...然而到後來所得的並不是單單你所求的...而會是更多神給的恩典!

H said...

恩,這就是為何我要摘取那段話的原因,人不能也不該對God做過多的要求與實現的願望,God給了『機會』,端看自己能不能看到與掌握住,堅定信念,Keep the faith.

而另一個我更欣賞的重點就是 How do we change the world? One single act of random kindness at a time.你對這有甚麼想法嗎?

Anonymous said...

基本上沒啥想法~~且how do we change the world...這句話給我的感想是很貪心吧....我認為人要改變世界之前先改變自己還比實際!!!

H said...

所以才說是 One single act of random kindness at a time啊... @@
這種事情不可能一蹴可幾,也不是侷限在某一方面而已喔.... 當然,也可能只是一個夢想...

Btw,妳為什麼2pm還可以留言?上班時間, not?

Anonymous said...

哈哈~~~ 被你抓包了~~~就回家打混.還需要其他原因嗎?...@@ said...

我昨天去威秀看電影,有看到這部片的海報,台灣要9月20多號才上耶! 我們早了一個半月就看了....

H said...

to Walking Fish

Yeah, I MISSED MOVIES in the Phils SO MUCH! I could enjoy NEW, FAST and CHEAP movies (with good quality) as I wanted when I was there...