Friday, June 29, 2007

[Travels] Sunset In Boracay

Boracay is a world famous island of the Philippines. It's a fantastic spot for tourists. It's my 2nd time being there within 4 months. Sounds crazy huh? But I always dreamed of being back when I was staying in Manila. My classmate Tussey even lived on Boracay for a whole year. The life of Boracay has no exact schedule, no rush on anything. All you have to do is relax. Forget your duty in the fast pace city. Slow yourself down. Just let your body and mind enjoy in this tropical paradise. If you've never been to Boracay. Well, just try it. It is a must go! Trust me on this.

(All 3 photos taken by Jeff on June 10th.2007)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


週六由Carter介紹認識了韓國新朋友-Brad & Joseph一起吃晚餐與宵夜,Brad的gf叫Joan,正在讀nursing school。知道我讀med school,後來在我不知道的時候,發表了一個評論,說『我長得很像醫生』。

這個評論,讓我一則以喜,一則以憂。Why?因為年輕的醫生常常會因為較嫩的臉孔,被患者質疑:你真的是醫生嗎?看起來就是一副菜鳥樣,沒經驗,醫術會好嗎?而看起來比較老成的醫生,就比較能得到患者的信賴,因為他們就會直覺認為你是一個attending.(結果其實只是個med student or菜鳥醫生,只是可能年紀大或看起來比較....hmm...成熟。)

說我長得很像醫生,那就屬於後者,應該是好事才對。但是憂的是,這就表示我有一張老臉.......what the.......I'm only 28 yo going on 29.老臉....damn...真的是老了... Orz

Monday, June 25, 2007

[Travels] 夢,居酒屋,路邊攤...


在最後一天晚上時,住在Naha(那霸)市內,晚上的自由時間,想說終於有機會可以去居酒屋暢飲,但是路況不熟,又不會講日文的情況下,恰巧看見飯店對面有一個掛著紅色小燈籠的小吃攤,因此在逛完平價小mall Jusco後,找了Shirley & Ivy 一起去小吃攤坐坐,體會日劇中白天被上司狂電之悲哀上班族一樣,下班後喝到茫的感覺。 XD

路邊攤除了攤位料理台前的桌椅外,另外在旁邊的屋簷下,另外擺了兩張方形桌,為了加倍吃路邊攤的感覺,當然是坐在料理台前。我們雞同鴨講地拿著日文Menu與店員溝通點菜,我們不會講日文,店員也不會英文。而Shirley曾在日式燒烤店打工過,一開始講Surimasen,我正以為她日文會很厲害時,結果接下來她還是講英文,被我嘲笑了半天。XD 最後店員才摸出了一張漢字版的Menu,真的是救星!點了五支一組的串燒,一盤炸豆腐,與一瓶大瓶的Asahi生啤酒。就這麼點東西,要2400円(約合800NT),物價昂貴!且其實食物是1500円,剩下的900円居然是座位費!一個人300円(100NT)的座位費,我還是第一次知道這種事情,路邊攤一坐下來就要算$,真是搶劫啊!(日劇怎麼都不提一下?)我看站著吃比較省。XD


後來回台灣後我就開始找哪裡可以買到Asahi,居然在裕毛屋與家樂福找到,驚喜!而且還比Kirin便宜。但是請記得:要買記得買銀色罐,Made in Japan。而金色罐裝較便宜,但是Made in China,又苦又難喝。(Shirley竟說沒想到我對Asahi還有研究日本製跟中國製~厲害...是酒鬼嗎?@@)

沖繩之旅因為旅行社安排的關係,吃喝玩樂都頗不盡興,但是最後的路邊攤體驗,卻是整個沖繩之旅的highlight!(還是自己去找的樂子)才為這次的旅遊劃下了一個Happy ending!


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Shitty Night, Guilty Feelings.

Tonight was a mess.

I almost hurt a Chinese friend when I defensed his lay-up. I got a bad position while I wanted to give him a block but we had a collision in the air and he crashed heavily on the ground. OK, he was kinda pissed off at that time too, though I did my apologies.

I got hurt again of my left thenar muscle when I wanna get a loose ball back. The injury made my left hand swelling and tender. I'm even having difficulties doing the thumb & small finger opposition now. Let along holding heavy things.

We won 3 games without losing any tonight but the contents are not as good as we got before. The pressure of opponents' fastbreaks, no rebounds, having a hard time to make good plays and organize our team. I think I almost lost it. I gotta shout at some teammates. The shouting thing made me kinda uncomfortable. I don't like to be a bad guy kicking people's asses all of the way. But sometimes it's the only way to make them play like a team. Teamwork. Do it together.

Then right after the games, got a call from mom. She asked lots of questions that I didn't wanna answer at that point and I ran out my patience. I was not polite talking on the cell because I already got shitty moods from those events above. Got guilty and feel sorry about that.

So I need to vent now. It is what a blog for.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

[Travels] Boracay + Great Milkshakes = HEAVEN ! !

[Pic by Jeff while sailing.]

Boracay第二天早上,早上恰巧經過Jonah's Fruitshake.號稱是''The Best fruitshake in the island''.曾有人介紹過,聽說料好實在、味道濃稠。果不其然,點了店員推薦的Mango Melon,絕配!這兩種水果味道互相調和,居然如此順口,以前從沒有嘗試過。後來朋友喝完後,先行離座去海灘踱步照相去,我忍不住地再點了一杯,這次點了Milkshake一人獨飲。

驚豔!濃厚的奶香+恰到好處的甜味,搭配上眼前一大片 Boracay White Beach 的美景,心裡只想著:Oh yeah.... this is HEAVEN...... Welcome to paradise.....

同時想起 Made in Heaven 這張專輯的封面,我也很想學Freddie Mercury (Vocal of Queen)振臂高呼啊!YEAH!

This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven for everyone

In these days of cool reflection
You come to me and everything seems alright
In these days of cold affections
You sit by me - and everythings fine

This could be heaven for everyone
This world could be fed, this world could be fun
This could be heaven for everyone
This world could be free, this world could be one

In this world of cool deception
Just your smile can smooth my ride
These troubled days of cruel rejection, hmm
You come to me, soothe my troubled mind

Yeah, this could be heaven for everyone
This world could be fed, this world could be fun
This could be heaven for everyone, yeah
This world should be free, this world could be one
We should bring love to our daughters and sons
Love, love, love, this could be heaven for everyone
You know that
This could be heave for everyone
This could be heave for everyone

Listen - what people do to their souls
They take their lives - destroy their goals
Their basic pride and dignity
Is stripped and torn and shown to pity
When this should be heaven for everyone

Queen - Heaven For eveyone MV

[賭爛] 最恨投機客!



昨天maid來報價說修要400 p,你400 p修是要修甚麼?約800 p就可以買新的電風扇,我請Steven轉達『我不修』!明天把我電扇送回來!當時我就有『明顯貴得不合理,這maid這樣獅子大開口,分明是想黑$,想把我當二楞子嗎?才不能讓你得逞!』

今天她來的時候跟Steven說電扇修理店修下去了,我聽了就很火大,這太明顯,就是要故意硬來,這樣也想用『生米已煮成熟飯』這招來玩嗎?我直接請James去說:這種價錢就是太貴,明明昨天明確地跟妳說不修理,也沒有一家店敢自作主張修人家的東西,最多出150p!That's not the way it is!明天拿過來!(投機maid還裝說那我去跟修理店說看看。Freak!就是妳在玩鬼,要去表達甚麼?)

我生平最恨那種想騙別人$的投機客!認為別人甚麼常識都不懂嗎?以為台灣人比較有$可以好好的趁機坑一筆嗎?亂報價還說已自作主張亂修一通,我昨天的感覺完全正確無誤!我是認為她非常有可能把高、矮電風一起去修,要我一併幫她買單,順便外加跑腿費! That's crap! 我在這裡也過了四年了,被騙也不是第一次,你們在想甚麼鬼主意我不知道嗎?I'm so pissed!拿來我最多就付150p,這是別人修理的標準價位,別想要我再多掏一毛給你這種投機小人!

Monday, June 18, 2007

[Music] ''Hide and Seek''

Today's song for you is
Imogen Heap's ''Hide and Seek'' from her album Speak for yourself. It is produced by a harmonizer and a vocoder creating an altered a cappella sound.

It was featured in
The Last Kiss OST, The O.C. Season 2 Finale....etc. If the voice sounds familiar to you, don't feel surprised because Imogen's songs were used in Shrek 2, Garden State OST and other movies or TV series.

Where are we? What the hell is going on?
The dust has only just begun to fall,
Crop circles in the carpet, sinking, feeling.
Spin me round again and rub my eyes.
This can't be happening.
When busy streets a mess with people
would stop to hold their heads heavy.

Hide and seek.
Trains and sewing machines.
All those years they were here first.

Oily marks appear on walls
Where pleasure moments hung before.
The takeover, the sweeping insensitivity of this
still life.

Hide and seek.
Trains and sewing machines. (Oh, you won't catch me around here)
Blood and tears,
They were here first.

Mmm, what you say?
Mm, that you only meant well? Well, of course you did.
Mmm, what you say?
Mm, that it's all for the best? Ah off course it is.
Mmm, what you say?
Mm, that it’s just what we need? And you decided this.
Mmm what you say?
What did she say?

Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth.
Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs.
Speak no feeling, no I dont believe you.
You don't care a bit. You don't care a bit.

Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth.
Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs.
Speak no feeling, no I don't believe you.
You don't care a bit. You don't care a bit.

You don't care a bit.
You don't care a bit.
You don't care a bit.
You don't care a bit.
You don't care a bit.

Imogen's official site
Imogen's Myspace site
(Try'Just For Now Live Version',very nice!)

Hide and Seek MV

Thursday, June 14, 2007

''Didn't We Almost Have It All'' - Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Finale

Finally I found someone cut this part out. It's from Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Episode 25*. This clip is a great one, worth of watching. As you know, the song in the background is ''Keep Breathing'' by Ingrid Michaelson. Along with this song, there are several stories in the end which makes an amazing match. It's very touching and I watched this part over and over again. You may think, this is life. Life sucks, but it's rich and colorful as well. All we can do is just keep breathing... Peace out.

*:Season 4 will be on air in September,2007. My guess is, the stories and relationships of the casts will also become more complicated and.... sexy??