Sunday, February 1, 2009

[Music] As Sisters in Zion / We'll Bring the World His Truth

這是第一次在我的BLOG中介紹聖歌。這首歌其實是由兩首聖歌合併起來的:由女聲開始唱As sisters in Zion,接著是由男聲帶入We'll Bring the World His Truth,最後男女聲大合唱。這首歌,有著Michael R. Hicks美妙的編曲與 EFY Medley ("Especially For Youth")漂亮的人聲,會不會帶給你心裡溫暖的感覺呢?這是我最近聽到最讓我心頭暖暖的歌曲了...

As sisters in Zion, We'll all work together,
The blessings of God on our labors we'll seek.
We'll build up his kingdom with earnest endeavor,
We'll comfort the weary and strengthen the weak.

We are daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us and we love him. Yes, we love him.

As sisters in Zion, We'll all work together,
The blessings of God on our labors we'll seek.
We'll build up his kingdom with earnest endeavor,
We'll comfort the weary and strengthen the weak.

As sisters in Zion, As daughters of God.

We have been born as Nephi of old to goodly parents who love the Lord.
We have been taught and we understand that we must be as the Lord commands.
We are as the army of Helaman.
We have been taught in our youth.
And we will be the Lord's missionaries to bring the world his truth.

As sisters in Zion, We'll all work together,
The blessings of God on our labors we'll seek.
We'll build up his kingdom with earnest endeavor,
We'll comfort the weary and strengthen the weak.

Hymns of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, no. 309


Anonymous said...


H said...

to Joanna,

再介紹給大家... :)

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