Thursday, May 31, 2007

夏天,果然還是要到海邊去啊!!~ Mr. Bean's Holiday

然在二月才去Boracay旅行,但是這世界有名的海灘值得一去再去,且上次的三天兩夜實在太短,就開始計畫六月還要再去走走。MSN暱稱剛改成『又到了該度假的時候了..六月是到海邊玩的好時候』不久,就看到SM在May 30.播出 Mr. Bean's Holiday..真是太應景了。找John一起去看,但John說以前小時候看Mr. Bean看到睡著,而且Bean還會做噁心的動作,所以不太想去看(心靈受過創傷?)。我因此決定自己一個人去,去笑一笑放鬆一下。 結果吃完午餐後,John還是決定一起去瞧瞧好了。

後來證實這是一個非常正確的選擇,整場電影一直都很好笑,沒笑出來時我的笑容也都還是掛在臉上,嘻嘻。尤其最後在Cannes Film Festival上面劇情的發展更是出人意料之外的好!

Wiki(Mr. Bean's Holiday)的資料: After sneaking into the premiere, Bean is disappointed to see that Sabine's large role has been cut from the film, and ends up plugging in his video camera to the projector, where his video diary is unexpectedly played out. However, the bizarre tale it tells fits director Carson Clay's narration well, and the director, Sabine and Bean all receive standing ovations. Stepan is finally reunited with his father.

皆大歡喜 + 令人感動的大結局真是讓我們 Two Thumbs Up!! 從此也完全修補了John對Mr. Bean小時曾有過之心靈的傷害。最後一幕在Bean用腳趾頭寫下FIN後,cam low battery圓滿結束...

另外,女主角 Emma de Caunes 讓我眼睛一亮!她的氣質與開朗的笑容真是讓我久久無法忘懷。在電影裡面雖然看起來沒這照片這麼亮麗,但是卻感覺更加美好!



Welcome to paradise!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Rest in Peace

坂井泉水,40才,vocal of ZARD。同時也是ZARD所有歌曲的作詞者。

16年前出道的ZARD,記得國中時就常常在一些精選日文專輯中聽到她的歌,輕快的節奏與曲風,即使聽不懂日文歌詞,但總能帶給我音樂的活力。 ZARD的專輯封面中總是以坂井為封面,當時就只知道ZARD好像就是一個有著青春活力歌聲、很漂亮的女歌手,誤以為她的藝名就是ZARD呢...說她是ZARD的唯一代表人物並不為過(其他成員都是謎)。就這樣陸陸續續地聽了好幾年,偶爾能看到新專輯,就拿來聽聽,也不以為意。

今天在新聞,看到坂井因去年發現得了cervical cancer,今年發現mets to the lung所以持續入院治療,在前天凌晨在院內滑倒造成腦挫傷 (Cerebral contusion),昨天下午不治去世。才40 yo。真的是很驚訝,說不出話來,也不知道該說甚麼 (如同2年前聽到Luther Vandross去世的消息一樣震驚),這麼年輕的生命就這樣離開人間了...以後再也聽不到ZARD的新歌了...


Rest in peace, 坂井泉水 , 大家心中永遠不會忘記的ZARD。


Can't believe it's true

ZARDのボーカル / 作詞家・坂井泉水さんは、1991年2月10日のデビュー以来今までずっと世の中の人々に歌を通して心の安らぎを与え続けてくれました。


 私共スタッフ一同としましても、その願いを大切にし応えるべく坂井泉水さんを偲び、下記の通り、ファンの方々や関係者の皆様と一緒に時間を過ごす 『音楽葬』を催すことといたしました。たくさんの人々の心の中で永遠に生き続けるZARDの音楽を感じ、坂井泉水さんの思いを共有できる催しにできればと 思っております。

「ZARD / 坂井泉水さんを偲ぶ会事務局」

ZARD official Website


Saturday, May 26, 2007

[Music] Keep Breathing

Her name is Ingrid Michaelson. The singer of ''Keep Breathing''

When I watched Cristina (of Grey's Anatomy*) hysterically crying for Burke's leaving and heard this song in the background, my heart broke as hers did. Just can't get this beautiful but sad song out of my mind.

Boy, "Keep Breathing" is so great ! I never heard one song, so simple, but so powerful. It hit into my heart deeply. It's like, it understood you. Understood you that you are living in a world that reality bites. All I can do is keep breathing. All we can do is keep breathing...

Try out Keep Breathing in here

*Ingrid's song "Keep Breathing" was featured on the May 17th season finale of Grey's Anatomy, "Didn't We Almost Have it All"

or visit Ingrid's official site
Keep Breathing

The storm is coming but I don't mind.
People are dying, I close my blinds.

All that i know is I'm breathing now.

I want to change the world...instead I sleep.
I want to believe in more than you and me.

But all that I know is I'm breathing.
All i can do is keep breathing.
All we can do is keep breathing now.

All that I know is I'm breathing.
All I can do is keep breathing.
All we can do is keep breathing now.

All we can do is keep breathing
All we can do is keep breathing
All we can do is keep breathing
All we can do is keep breathing.
All we can do is keep breathing now.

Thursday, May 24, 2007




來這讀書後,覺得能一起出去玩而不會彼此有戒心的朋友怎麼都在台灣?同班同學中,很多人不是宅男宅女,不然就是不乏那種會爾虞我詐或會斤斤計較的人,出去幾次後,我覺得這樣沒意思,算了,與其如此,我寧願自己一個人玩。 [這裡所謂宅男宅女,就是喜歡待在Manila,不喜歡去郊外玩。另一種是不喜歡看電影,為什麼呢?因為沒有中文字幕。 This kind really sucks.] 所以已經很習慣自己一個人吃飯,一個人看電影,一個人去買東西,不用擔心別人,想吃甚麼就吃甚麼,想看甚麼就看甚麼,想去哪就去哪。 當然先後仍有認識一些不錯的朋友,偶爾可以一起出去吃飯,一起打籃球。只是生活作息不儘相同,住的地方有的也不是非常近,所以只能偶一為之。

幾個月前,兩個在我見習時要好的朋友,從TW飛來Phil拜訪我,我身兼導遊&領隊兩職,帶著他們去Boracay & Manila遊覽。說老實話,我還是第一次在Phil玩得這麼快樂,大家互相配合、毫無心機地玩,雖然非常累(到處長途奔波與睡眠不足,倒數第二天還生病),但是大家玩得很開心!他們也體驗到,原來Phil並不像一些無知的人所說的落後、未開化的地方,而是一個值得遊覽觀光的國家!而我到花蓮探望老師&朋友的時候,他們也讓我借住了宿舍一週,不但解決了我最麻煩的『住』的問題,還熱情地款待了我一番,我也非常感謝他們(小建 & 木村,讓我趁機在此再感謝一下^^)。

兩個禮拜前新認識兩位女性朋友, Jenny & Eva,母親節時與她們還有 Vincent & John一起去逛 Megamall + 吃Shangrila buffet(遙想慶祝母親節嗎?我好像以前也曾經做過這種事),隔天中午還一起煮海鮮麵吃、聊天玩牌,呵,很快樂。想說找到了難得的酒肉朋友,可以一起吃飯、看電影、去旅遊,但是很可惜的是『相識恨晚』,因為認識後第三天,她們就要飛回TW去見習了。 有時認識的可以一起酒肉的酒肉朋友,有時真是認識地不是時候。例如有些剛認識不久,就畢業回TW;或是最近認識的,輪到我快要畢業回TW了,交錯而過,可惜。


Sunday, May 20, 2007

What is the problem??

[D.Wade's Gatorade Commercial of Good vs Bad.]

As you can see above.

Playing basketball is about decision makings.

Besides basic skills, you need a clear mind with it. 'Cause You make decisions in secs.

Recently, our team lost often than before. Sometimes, I am just so pissed off how we play but I can't tell what's exactly going wrong.

For example, some teammate played without thinking and shooting too many even he didn't have a good chance. I'm certainly pissed off by this sort of play. Low percentage field goal and you still shoot so many, are you kidding me or what? Where the hell of confidence did you get from, dude?

Some teammate can't do the decision making fast enough. Under the defense pressure, he could have made a bad call. Didn't pass the ball when he should or passed to the wrong players, or do the turnover himself.

When it happened, the situation made me speechless. Of course I could do more penetrations and difficult lay-ups which provide several points. Passed the ball as a Point Guard. Tried to play like DWade and withdrawed fouls to get free throws as more as I could get. But, without teamwork and keeping the whold team in the same page is a killing. Can't win if it's just a one-man or two-men team you know.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Shrek the Third!搶先看!

剛跟John去SM搶先看了Shrek the third!
其實是May 18,2007才US正式上映,(see the poster)
但是Phi theaters搶先在今天(May 16,2007)上映!

台灣要到June 15,2007才會上映了。

So hilarious,man!! I've laughed all along.
It may be the best among the SHREK series!

這次我個人挑選的經典在於:Snow White把one dwarf包成禮物送給Fiona當懷孕的禮物-讓 dwarf當babysitter,Fiona推辭這太貴重了,怎麼可以呢?Snow White說:反正家裡還有另外6個可以用,不用客氣.... XDDDDDDD

Shift to Blogger. I'm dumping the yam !

[This is the teaching clip for Blogger's beginners from Google.]

The yam blog system crashed today. I've had thoughts of transfering to a new place, a better space.

I'm dumping the yam cause it kinda sucks. The blogger should be more stable 'cause it has Google's tech supports.

Anyway, here it is. If you are interested in this. Join me please.
Let's roll guys.

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