Showing posts with label Spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spirit. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

CAN - Team Hoyt


這是一段令人震撼的片子,是在講一對父子的故事,爸爸叫做Dick Hoyt,兒子叫做Rick Hoyt。

這對父子是長跑健將,在過去二十五年間他們一共跑了3770 miles, 其中包括78次半馬拉松賽,64次的馬拉松賽,24次著名的波士頓馬拉松賽,20次Duathlons賽,7 次18.6 miles賽,34次10 miles賽 ,143次5 miles賽,6次20 miles賽,27次 Falmouth 7.1 miles賽,15次4 miles賽,2次11公里賽,8次15公里賽,204次10公里賽,4次8公里賽,92次5公里賽,206次奧運標準的三項鐵人賽,6次被公認不是平常人可以承受的Ironman distances的終極三項鐵人賽……



然而,他們兩夫婦對此並不認同。他們發覺當他們在屋內活動時,Rick的眼睛會緊盯著他們。當Rick十一歲時,他們把他送到特夫斯大學(Tufts University)的工程系,詢問是否有令孩子與人溝通的辦法,可惜Dick得到的回覆是︰「不可能,他根本沒有任何腦部活動。」


在Rick十五歲時,Rick的一位中學的同學因意外而癱瘓了,學校為那位學生舉行跑步籌款,Rick便透過電腦打出︰「爸,我也想參加。」Dick之前並非跑步運動員,也沒有跑過馬拉松賽,但因著兒子的要求就參加了,於是他就推著Rick跑完了5 miles的全程。

在結束之後Rick對父親說:『我今生第一次不覺得殘障了!』這 句話深深地震撼了爸爸Dick!他決心要把那種感覺盡可能帶給兒子,預備好參加1979年的波士頓馬拉松。「不接受報名。」便是比賽當局給Dick的話, 原因是Hoyt父子既不是單獨跑手,又不是輪椅參賽者。結果幾年來,Hoyt父子只在賽事中跟著大隊一起跑,但他們終於找到正式參加比賽的方法︰在 1983年,他們參加了另一個馬拉松,他們速度之快,令他們能入圍參加之後一年的波士頓馬拉松。

不久後便有人對Dick說︰「何不參加三項鐵人賽?」一個從來未曾學過游泳的人,一個自六歲起便從未踏過單車的人,如何能拖著110磅(50公斤)的兒子 完成三項全能賽?但Dick還是勇於一試。屈指一算,他現在已完成了212次三項全能賽,當中包括了四次在夏威夷舉行,極費體力的15小時鐵人賽!因著父 愛,父親去學習游泳,學習踏自行車…

他願意為Rick做出許多的犧牲和付出,他又曾拖著他的兒子越野滑雪,又曾背著他爬山,其中一次更用單車拉著他橫越美國。於是從那時候開始他們父子就常 以"Team Hoyt"報名參加馬拉松和三項鐵人賽:跑步時Dick就推著Rick跑,游泳時Dick就拖著Rick躺著的橡皮艇游,騎自行車時Dick就騎著特製的自行車將Rick放在自行車前騎乘……




現在,儘管Rick有自己的住宅(他享有居家照料服務)並在波士頓工作,而Dick從軍隊退役後已在麻薩諸塞州的荷蘭市居住,但他們總有團聚的方法。他們 經常在全國各地發表演說,而每週末也會參加極耗體力的比賽,當中包括今年的父親節。當晚,Dick會請父親吃晚飯,但他最想送給父親的禮物,是他永遠買不到的。Rick打道︰「我最想送給爸爸的,是爸爸坐在椅上,由我推他一次!」


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Response to ''Using Our Talents to Serve Others (用我們的天賦為他人服務)''

這篇文章是回應前一篇''Using Our Talents to Serve Others''(短片就在下面那一篇),解釋這個短片的故事。這短片的對話並不多,每個人的解釋也一定多少會有點出入,我以我的觀點來寫。這短片我一看再看,每次看都覺得很棒,touching是最適合我看這短片的形容詞吧。


女主角在家裡畫畫,看來繪畫是她的興趣,也是她的一項專長;她轉頭往窗外看,孤單的小女孩的畫畫還被其他騎車的鄰居小女孩破壞嘲笑,這時她看到她畫架上耶穌基督的畫像,這是一幅耶穌幫助、服務他人(Serve Others)的畫,她的心中因此有所感動,她覺得她也可以為那小女孩做一點事情。所以她決定到面露落寞表情、蹲在路旁的小女孩身邊,畫一個和煦太陽般的大笑臉,兩個人因此也相視而笑了。




Willing hearts and helpful hands, can change the world, one person at a time.




Monday, January 26, 2009

Using Our Talents to Serve Others (用我們的天賦為他人服務)

Willing hearts and helpful hands, can change the world, one person at a time.

Don't Ask What You Can Do, Just Do What You Can Do. 幫助他人、服務他人是可以發自內心的,不需要甚麼回報,也不要求任何回饋;即使你只做了一點事情,但卻是幫了一個大忙!


LDS = The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church)

Don't Ask What You Can Do, Just Do What You Can Do


在這短片中,第四個故事讓我受到最大的感動。女主角在家收到一封信,是由一個老太太寫給她的;因為女主角早上去晨跑時,看到好幾份報紙都被送報生隨意丟在信箱前,就開始每天跑一小段路把報紙拿到那住家的門前放著。而因為老太太開過臀部手術不良於行,走路的疼痛使到信箱拿報紙變得是一件異常艱難的事情;這時候遇到女主角都會把報紙放到老太太家門前,老太太覺得非常感激。老太太在信裡說:『我不知道妳是不是神送來幫助我的。但我知道妳帶給我的遠大於那幾份報紙,你帶給我的是讓我瞭解到 - 即使一件很微小的事情,也會真的幫助到其他人。』最後的場景是女主角與老太太擁抱而笑,我覺得真的很溫馨。




LDS = The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church)

Thursday, January 1, 2009


The very first blog entry of the year 2009!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009, everyone! 2008一年又過去了,還記得去年的新年文章是ABBA的好聽歌曲: ''HAPPY NEW YEAR''嗎?今年,相同地,再獻上這首美妙的HAPPY NEW YEAR (還有哪首New Year Song能比這首歌更棒呢?),但是同時給上你們更不同的祝福!

2008過得好嗎?無論是好是壞,進入了2009,就忘記過去的一切不愉快吧,向前看才是最重要的。每天在生活中的學習、每天一步兩步向前走,都可以證明自己的進步。有時候即使不明顯,但是成果最後一定會顯現出來的,要有信心與自信!New Year 2009,Let's Move On!


May the new year bring you happiness and prosperity, good health, peace of mind and heart. God bless!

有辦法! 呵呵~


Related post:

[Music] HAPPY NEW YEAR (2008/1/1 posted)

Monday, November 24, 2008

[Music] Come One Day

一個熱血勵志的廣告,也是王建民的夢想故事 - 王建民:力挺你的夢想。雖然我從來不喝Johnny Walker(我恨烈酒),不過這廣告確實不賴,拍出王建民去米國前到去米國後同伴的不斷鼓勵,勇往向前。


雖然現在的妳陷入了困境之中,需要時間去走過,但是我相信妳,you can get through all this. You won't be alone. I will be there for you when you need me. 我挺妳。我會挺妳。加油!







Adrian DeSilva - Come One Day

Sunday, November 23, 2008

[Music] 我相信 I Do Believe

又是偶然的收穫!已經很久沒有聽到甚麼好聽(又不唬爛亂灑狗血或配上一點都看不懂其含意的深奧鳥中文字之胡亂組合)的中文歌了,今天搭朋友的車在去溪頭聯誼的路上,聽到這首歌,還真是熱血啊!神似張雨生的高音域,又是這麼熱血的快歌,我怎麼抗拒得了?呵呵,上次覺得有喜歡的中文歌已經是動力火車的時代了... :P 晚上去台中錢櫃唱歌時,也順便點了這首歌,當然這是第一次唱,不過也真是要很拼命才能跟得上那高音呢!(跟了聲音也破了,哈哈~)


每一刻都精彩萬分 I Do Believe

我相信(我相信我相信)I believe

Friday, November 14, 2008

[Music] Boom De Ah Dah (Discovery CM)

When you mess up or just feel like shit, think positive. Think where you've been, what you've seen, how you've enjoyed them. So many things great are out there in this world. Life is precious. Experiences are valuable. A bunch of things you got is priceless. Remember,


Ps. I do not have a mp3 function cell phone or I would put the song as my ringtone. I am feeling happy when I listen to this song. : )

(I wrote this partly because a few days ago a 24 year-old Taiwanese female singer killed herself only because of her unsuccessful love life. And that cost one young life. It sucks.)

Astronaut A:It never gets old, huh?
Astronaut B:Nope.
Astronaut A:It kinda makes you wanna...
Astronaut B:Break into song?
Astronaut A:Yup!

I love the mountains,
I love the clear blue skies
I love big bridges,
I love when great whites fly
I love the whole world,
and all its sights and sounds
Boom-de-ah-dah, Boom-de-ah-dah, Boom-de-ah-dah, Boom-de-ah-dah

I love the oceans,
I love real dirty things
I love to go fast,
I love Egyptian kings
I love the whole world,
and all its craziness
Boom-de-ah-dah, Boom-de-ah-dah, Boom-de-ah-dah, Boom-de-ah-dah

I love tornadoes,
I love arachnids
I love hot magma,
I love the giant squids
I love the whole world,
it's such a brilliant place
Boom-de-ah-dah, Boom-de-ah-dah, Boom-de-ah-dah, Boom-de-ah-dah
Boom-de-ah-dah, Boom-de-ah-dah, Boom-de-ah-dah, Boom-de-ah-dah, Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-ah-dah

Wikipedia: I Love the World

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Spirits In the War Zone - War Dance (烏干達的天空下)

We know that we are the children from the war zone. We have lost our parents, our sisters, our brothers, our relatives. And the fighting has left us with a lot of scars. But that is not where our story ends... We are still able to be the best!
我們知道我們自己是戰區來的小孩,我們失去了我們的父母、姊妹、兄弟和親戚。 戰爭留給了我們很多的傷痕。但是我們的故事還沒有結束...我們仍能是最好的!



所以,我也會告訴你,若我生活中沒有了音樂,我還真的不知道日子該怎麼過下去。懷念以前跟朋友一起去Disco club跳舞的日子呢...隨著音樂盡情搖擺,沒有人會規定你怎麼跳,也沒有人會在意你動作跟不跟得上節奏,一切的一切,就隨著自然律動SWING吧!Your body will tell you how to swing and move!It Don't Mean a Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing! Love it!

Music is our tradition. Even war cannot take it from us.

It is difficult for people to believe our story but if we don't tell you, you won't know.

贏得14項電影大獎,與被2008奧斯卡提名最佳紀錄片的『War Dance』。這部片希望能喚起全球共同正視和平與兒童人權的議題,將這些不為人知的故事搬上大銀幕,結合社會與政治的力量帶來改變的契機。

When I dance my problems vanish. The camp is gone. I can feel the wind. I can feel the fresh air. I am free and I can feel my home.

I feel proud to be an Acholi when I dance. You have to be fearless, like a worrior.

In my heart, I am more than a child of war. I am talented. I am a musician. I am Acholi. I am the future of our tribe.

What I want people to know is that children from northern Uganda, even though we live in the war zone, we can do great things in life.

★2008 奧斯卡最佳紀錄片提名
★2008 台灣國際兒童影展正式觀摩影片
★2007 日舞影展 最佳導演獎
★2007 Full Frame紀錄片影展 觀眾票選最佳影片
★2007 芝加哥紀錄片影展 最佳攝影
★2007 費城影展最佳導演 & 威斯康辛影展 觀眾票選最佳紀錄片
and more...

War Dance - The Movie
War Dance - Awards 獎項

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Cheer Up!

My friend, Marie, whom I've known for years, is living in the Philippines. She IM me that she didn't do so well on the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) exam last weekend. The exam took 1000 passers out of 8000 examinees. I am sorry about that.

However, what I felt sorry most was I thought she was joking again like last time she told me she failed (which I was mad at that time because I didn't think it's funny.) Then she told me this time, the result was really final. Also, she was upset and crying when she was by herself. I felt so bad and told her I would call her at her house right away. And took a couple of minutes to chat with her, hopefully she would feel better. I knew she wouldn't in a brief time, but I still tried, and just let her know I'm on her side all the time.

Cheer up, Marie. We've all been through this. Everything's gonna be alright...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

CNN Heroes of the Year 2008

接下來會有10篇文章,將是有關於 Top 10 CNN Heroes for 2008,一篇將會介紹一個人。

你/妳可以上線投票Here。幫忙選出2008年CNN Hero of the Year。選出一個最能啟發你/妳的某人之成就、影響和故事。


Ordinary People Extraordinary Impact.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Nike Courage - I've Got Soul

Nike Taiwan Official Comment:





更以英國The Killers樂團的一首「All These Things That I’ve Done」作為配樂

不斷重複的一句「I've got soul, but I'm not a soldier」在2005時在美國造成轟動

許多的知名歌手及樂團,如 Robbie Williams、Coldplay、U2等都在個人演出時,將這句話即興加入他們的歌曲中


Nike's new Olympics TV commercial goes on air during the Olympic games which is right now. You are supposed to watch it uncountable times if you've watched some Olympic games. Nobody is perfect, even these world famous athletes. No doubt they suffered a lot of frustrations. But they worked on their goals real hard to achieve what they are today. So if your life is not going smooth as you expect. Just don't give up. Do what you can and one day you may taste the sweetest fruits in life. Remember it.

NIKE Official Website - NIKE COURAGE

Saturday, June 7, 2008

[Music] Hope

This hit ''Hope'' performed by Twista featuring Faith Evans is from Coach Carter, one of the best basketball movies ever. The movie is based on a true story. It also has lots of great quotes in this movie and I think they are somewhat aphorisms.

One of the best is that Coach Ken Carter loves to ask, ''What's your deepest fear?'' One of his player, Timo Cruz answers, ''Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.''

Another one I like is that Jason Lyle says to the coach and the team, ''You said we're a team. One person struggles, we all struggle. One person triumphs, we all triumph.''

Therefore, Adidas is right about this. Basketball is a brotherhood, man. I love it with all my heart.

Hope lyrics

Friday, May 23, 2008

God Loves Us

Guys, miss me or not, here I am, to update my blog. It's been a long time.

Maybe you heard about this, "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." So I have a t-shirt printing this cool quote on it. Guess who said that?

No, I don't think you have a clue.

It came from Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790). You still have no idea who he is? Never mind. Let's just DRINK!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

It's Not About The Shoes

It's not about the shoes.

It's about knowing where you're going.

Not forgetting where you started.

It's about having the courage to fail.

Not breaking when you're broken.

Taking everything you've been given.

And making something better.

It's about work before glory.

And what's inside of you.

It's doing what they said you can't.

It's not about the shoes.

It's about what you do in them.

It's about being who you were born ...... to be.

This commercial "Become Legendary" features Team Jordan athletes Carmelo Anthony, Derek Jeter, Chris Paul, Ray Allen, Terrell Owens, Marvin Harrison, Rip Hamilton, Joe Johnson and Andre Ward. A cool and inspiring commercial for Air Jordan XX3.
Air Jordan XX3@Sneaker Files

Friday, December 28, 2007

Last Man Standing - I am Legend

Tonight, I watched ''I am Legend''. You know, since I am a huge fan of Will Smith.. I am saying he was doing the character very well. But the story goes not so good.

I believe the novel's information the auther Richard Matheson wanna convey is way more than the movie's. But now the movie is merely a pure action (all about mutants, Redident Evil-like) movie. So I'm gonna take an original novel to read. To be sure I get the whole picture what real ''I am Legend'' is.

Best quote of the movie :

(Robert told Anna about Bob Marley.)

He had this idea. It was kind of a virologist idea. He believed that you could cure racism and hate... literally cure it, by injecting music and love into people's lives. When he was scheduled to perform at a peace rally, a gunman came to his house and shot him down. Two days later he walked out on that stage and sang. When they asked him why - He said, "The people, who were trying to make this world worse... are not taking a day off. How can I? Light up the darkness."

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry X'mas Everyone!

There might be sometime I haven't mailed my friends and teachers X'mas cards to greet them for this great holiday.

Yesterday I got a greeting mail from Angelito Tan, a Chinese friend living in the Philippines. We used to play basketball together. I felt warm and thankful and I decided to let my friends and teachers to feel X'mas too. I sent X'mas e-cards to greet them Merry X'mas and advanced Happy New Year. Surprisingly, some friends replied mails back almost right away and some also sent e-cards to me. It made me feel real good in this X'mas Eve even though I didn't arrange any special activity to do. You guys are great.

Merry X'mas Everyone!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

That's The Spirit

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

-Corinthians 10:13


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Buzzer Beater

看到射球如同投籃教科書的Ray Allen在 1.9 seconds remaining時(此時Boston Celtics以93-95落後於Charlotte Bobcats),投出一顆帶有完美弧度的三分球 passing through the Net,緊接著buzzer響起,Over Game.一陣顫慄:OMG。

我開電視時,看到剩14 sec,93-95落後,Celtics最後一波進攻。Paul Pierce作假動作後勉強出手不進,籃板落入Bobcats手中,Celtics在剩 4.7 sec時犯規(說老實話,此時我已認為Celtics必輸無疑,準備請領本季第二敗,but I was wrong。)因為未到加罰狀態,Bobcats發界外球,Eddie House左手撥到Jason Richardson發進來的球,球垂直上飛,Paul Pierce跳起抓到球,順勢傳給左側三分線外等候的Ray Allen,前跳一步接球,出手(1.9 sec),hit the game-winning trey!

SLAM DUNK的安西教練常說:現在放棄的話,比賽就結束了


Ray Allen's big three is totally a killing.

Boston Celtics are definitely kicking every team's ass!

Saturday Win: Game Info
Ray Allen Profile

Sunday, November 4, 2007

I'm a Strong, Proud Bald Man

I'm a strong, proud bald man.

Dude, focus. I am not saying I have any sign to be getting bald.

Quote from Private Practice Episode 4. Dr. Sam Bennett (Taye Diggs), or "Doctor Feelgood" said this to a going-to-be-bald man on TV. It's so inspiring, according to Dr. Addison Forbes Montgomery (Kate Walsh), who used to be an OB/GYN attending of Grey's Anatomy. It means body-mind connection working and going well, I suppose. :)

This TV show is extremely funny and inspiring, really. I feel relaxed while watching this. Different styles, different ways to represent medical environments. Great show, I have to say! It's recently granted a full show by ABC. Meant, a complete season, hopefully many more. Just give it a try, you'll know what I'm saying (and feel appreciated). :D

Related blog entry: Shows Addicted

Dr. Addison Montgomery (Kate Walsh), I totally love her accent.
Core characters from Private Practice. Cool casts.